
Annotated Reference Guide to Collectible Books and Original Prints

Everson, William Annotated Bibliography & Selected Collectible Books

Everson, William. These are the ravens. Greater West Publishing Co, San Leandro (1935). 1000 Copies; 16 Poems

Everson, William. San Joaquin. The Ward Ritchie Press (1939). 100 Copies; Decorations By Hubert Buel; Foreword By Lawrence Clark Powell; 36 Poems.

Everson, William. The masculine dead. Press of James A. Decker, Prairie City (1942). Poems, 1938 - 1940.

Everson, William. X [ten] war elegies. Waldport Untide Press (1943). Illustrated By Kemper Nomland.

Everson, William. The Residual Years. Untide Press, Waldport (1944). 1940-1941; 330 Copies; Illustrations By The Author.

Everson, William. War Elegies. Untide Press, Waldport (1944). Limited To 975 Copies; Illustrated By Kemper Normland, Jr.; 30 Numbered Copies Using The Original Printed Sheets Bound In Leather-Covered Boards Signed By Everson On The Limitation Page

Everson, William. The Residual Years. New Directions (1948). 1000 Copies.

Everson, William. A Privacy of Speech. Equinox Press, Berkeley (1949). Ten Poems In Sequence, With Block Print Decorations By Mary Fabilli; 100 Copies Set In Centaur And Arrighi Types, And Printed By Hand On Tovil Handmade Paper.

Everson, William. TRIPTYCH FOR THE LIVING. Seraphim Press, Oakland (1951). Illustrated With Woodcuts By Mary Fabilli; 200 Copies Set And Printed By Hand In American Uncial Type On Tovil Handmade Paper By Everson; Fewer Than 100 Copies Were Bound And The Majority Of The Remaining Sheets Were Destroyed By Everson.

Everson, William. The Crooked Lines of God. University of Detroit, Detroit (1959). By Brother Antoninus; 1000 Copies Printed

Everson, William. There Will Be Harvest. Berkeley University of California (1960). 200 Copies; Illustrated With Two Woodcuts By Kenneth Carpenter.

Everson, William. THE TONGS OF JEOPARDY. Privately Published, Oakland (1963). Reflections On The Death Of President Kennedy; 50 Mimeographed Copies.

Everson, William. Single Source. Oyez, Berkeley (1966). The Early Poems Of William Everson; Introduction By Robert Duncan; 25 Numbered Copies Signed By Everson.

Everson, William. The Blowing of the Seed. Henry W. Wenning, New Haven (1966). 218 Copies Signed By The Author

Everson, William. In the Fictive Wish. Oyez, Berkeley (1967). Woodcut By Mary Fabilli; 200 Numbered Copies Printed On Handmade Paper By Graham Mackintosh And Signed By Everson.

Everson, William. The Springing of the Blade. Black Rock Press, Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. (1968). 180 Copies Printed By Hand By Kenneth Carpenter And Signed By The Author.

Everson, William. The Last Crusade. Oyez, Berkeley (1969). Printed On Arches Paper By Graham Mackintosh; 165 Numbered Copies Signed By Everson.

Everson, William. Who Is She That Looketh Forth as the Morning.. Capricorn Press, Santa Barbara (1972). 250 Copies Signed By Everson; Designed And Printed By Noel Young; Handbound By Earle Gray.

Everson, William. Tendril in the Mesh. Cayucos Books (1973). 250 Numbered Copies Signed By Everson.

Jeffers, Robinson. The Alpine Christ and Other Poems. Cayucos Books (1973). Commentary And Notes By William Everson; 250 Copies Signed By Everson.

Jeffers, Robinson. Tragedy Has Obligations. Lime Kiln Press/University of California Santa Cruz Library (1973). Commentary By William Everson; Woodcut By Alison Clough; 200 Numbered Copies Signed By Everson.

Everson, William. RIVER-ROOT. Oyez, Berkeley (1976). A Syzgy For The Bicentennial Of These States; 250 Copies Signed By Everson; Designed And Printed By Thomas Whitridge And Illustrated By Patrick Kennedy; 14 Lettered Copies In Which The Poet Wrote Out A Stanza Of Verse.

Everson, William. THE VERITABLE YEARS. Black Sparrow Press, Santa Barbara (1978). 250 Numbered Copies Signed By Everson; 50 Numbered Copies, Each Bearing A Holograph Poem By Everson.

Everson, William. In Medias Res. Adrian Wilson (1984). Canto One Of An Autobiographical Epic: Dust Shall Be The Serpent'S Food; With A Foreword By The Author And Woodcuts By Tom Killion; 226 Copies Signed By Everson, Killon And Wilson.

Miller, Joaquin. TRUE BEAR STORIES. Yolla Bolly Press, Covelo (1985). Foreward By William Everson; Edited By James Robertson; Woodblock Illustrations By Vincent Perez; 250 Copies Signed By Everson And Perez.

Everson, William. The High Embrace. Dawsons Book Shop (1986). Introspective Set Of Portrait Photographs By Leigh A. Wiener; 100 Numbered Copies Signed By Everson, Wiener And Patrick Reagh, The Printer.

Everson, William. The Poet is Dead. The Good Book Press, Santa Cruz (1987). A Memorial For Robinson Jeffers; Illustrations Cut In Linoleum By Tom Killion; Limited To 140 Copies Signed By William Everson. Handmade Paper.

Everson, William. LORD JOHN TEN. Lord John Press, Northridge (1988). A Celebration; 500 Copies; Signed By All 26 Contributors: Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury, Ramsey Cambell, Raymond Carver, James Crumley, Jack Dann, Dennis Etchison, William Everson, Gerald R. Ford, Bruce Francis, Stan Freberg, Tess Gallagher, Jim Harrison, Roberta Lannes, Patrick W. Magee, Barry N. Malzberg, William F. Nolan, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert B. Parker, Bronwyn G. Pughe, James Purdy, Whitley Strieber, John Updike, Diane Wakoski, Derek Walcott, And Lorri Ziegler.

Everson, William. ON PRINTING. The Book Club of California (1992). Designed And Printed By Letterpress By Peter Koch; Includes Seven Illustrations, Including A Portrait Of Brother Antonius At His Press And A Two-Color Reproduction Of His Equinox Press Announcement Affixed To The Rear Pastedown, Introductory Essay By Rutledge Koch; 400 Copies.

Everson, William. The Collected Poems. Black Sparrow, Santa Rosa (1997). 3 Volumes; The Residual Years: Poems, The Veritable Years: Poems, And The Integral Years: Poems, With Contributions By Allan Campo, Kenneth Rexroth, Bill Hotchkiss, Albert Gelpi, William Harryman, David Carpenter, And Judith Shears; 100 Numbered Copies And 26 Lettered Copies.

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