
Annotated Reference Guide to Collectible Books and Original Prints

US Civil War Annotated Bibliography & Selected Collectible Books

Declaration Of The Immediate Cause. Evans and Cogswell (1860). Full title-Declaration Of The Immediate Cause (Causes) Which Induce And Justify The Secession Of South Carolina From The Federal Union; And The Ordinance Of Secession

Kirkwood, Samuel. Special Message of Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood, in Reply to a Resolution of Inquiry, Passed by the House of Representatives, March 2d, 1860, in Relation to the Requisition of the Gov. of Virginia, for One Barclay Coppic. John Teesdale: Des Moines, IA (1860). Full title-Special Message of Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood, in Reply to a Resolution of Inquiry, Passed by the House of Representatives, March 2d, 1860, in Relation to the Requisition of the Gov. of Virginia, for One Barclay Coppic

Lincoln, Abraham. Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas. Follett, Foster and Company: Columbus (1860). Full title-Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, In the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois; Including the Preceding Speeches of Each, at Chicago, Springield, etc; Also, the Tow Great Speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio, in 1859, as Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party, and Published at the Times of Their Delivery; Other author-Stephen A. Douglas

Winner, Septimus. Col. Ellsworth's Funeral March. Lee and Walker: Philadelphia, PA (1861).

Barnard, J.G. The C.S.A. And The Battle Of Bull Run. D. Van Nostrand: New York (1862).

MacMahon, T. W. Cause and Contrast: An Essay on the American Crisis. West and Johnston: Richmond, VA. (1862).

Tomes, Robert. The War with the South a History of the late Rebellion. Virtue and Yorston (1862). 3 volumes; Other author-Benjamin G. Smith

Squier, E.G. Frank Leslie's Pictorial History of the American Civil War. Frank Leslie: New York (1862).

Cook, Joel. The Siege of Richmond. George W. Childs: Philadelphia, PA (1862). Full title-The Siege of Richmond, A Narrative, of the Military Operations of Major-General George B. McClellan, In Broadfoot

Gillmore, Gen. Q. A. Official Report to the United States Engineer Department of the Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, February, March, and April, 1862.. D. Van Nostrand: New York (1862).

Smith, Benjamin G. The War with the South. Virtue and Yorston: New York (1862). Full title-The War with the South / A History of the Late Rebellion with Biographical Sketches of Leading Statesmen and Distinguished Naval and Military Commanders

Heth, Henry. A System of Target Practice. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C. (1862). Full title-A System of Target Practice: For the Use of Troops When Armed with the Musket, Rifle-Musket, Rifle, or Carbine. Prepared Principally from the French.; Published by Order of the War Department; Other author-Edwin M. Stanton

Alcott, Louisa May. Hospital Sketches. James Redpath: Boston, MA (1863).

Fisher, Richard Swainson. A Chronological History of the Civil War in America. Jonhson and Ward: New York (1863).

Board Of Officers. Instruction for Heavy Artillery; Prepared by a Board of Officers, for the Use of the Army of the United States. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C. (1863).

Coffey, Thomas. Battle-Fields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburg. Smith, Elder and Co.:London (1863). 2 volumes; Full title-Battle-Fields of the South From Bull Run to Fredericksburg; with Sketches of Confederate Commanders, and Gossip of the Camps

Nason, Elias. A Brief Record of Events in Exeter, N. H. During the Year 1862 Together With the Names of the Soldiers of this Town in the War. Fogg and Fellows: Exeter, New Hampshire (1863).

Lincoln, Abraham. An Oration delivered on the Battlefield of Gettysburg. Baker and Godwin: New York (1863). Other author-Edward Everett; Full title-An Oration delivered on the Battlefield of Gettysburg, November 19, 1863, at the Consecration of the Cemetery Prepared for the Internment of the Remains of those who fell in Battles of July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 1863

Fisher, Richard Swainson. Johnson's New Illustrated Steel Plate Family Atlas, With Physical Geography. Johnson and Ward: New York (1864). Other author-Alvin Jewett Johnson

Osbon, Bradley S. Hand Book of the United States Navy. D. Van Nostrand: New York (1864). Full title-Hand Book of the United States Navy: being a Compilation of all the Principal Events in the History of every Vessel of the United States Navy. From April, 1861, to May, 1864

Duganne, A. J. H. Camps and Prisons: Twenty Months in the Department of the Gulf. J. P. Robens: New York (1865).

Rogers, Wm. H. History of One Hundred and Eighty-Ninth Regiment of New-York Volunteers. John A. Gray and Green Printers: New York (1865).

Lippitt, Francis J. A Treatise on the Tactical Use of the Three Arms: Infantry, Artillery and Calvalry. D. Van Nostrand: New York (1865).

Iowa Adjutant General. Report of the Adjutant General and Acting Quartermaster General of the State of Iowa; January 11, 1864 to January 1, 1865. F. W. Palmer: Des Moines, IA (1865).

The Trial of the Assassins and Conspirators at Washington City, D. C., May and June, 1865 for The Murder of President Abraham Lincoln. T.B. Peterson and Brothers: Philadelphia, PA (1865).

Fleharty, S.F. Our Regiment. Brewster and Hanscom: Chicago (1865). Full title-Our Regiment: A History of the 102d Illinois Infantry Volunteers; Sketches of the Atlanta Campaign, The Georgia Raid, and the Campaign to the Carolinas

Sanderson, James M. My record in rebeldom. W.E. Sibell: New York (1865). Full title-My record in rebeldom, as written by friend and foe. Comprising the official chalges [sic] and evidence before the Military Commission in Washington, Brig. Gen'l J.C. Caldwell, Pres't, together with the report and finding of the Court

Quiner, E. B. The Military History of Wisconsin. Clarke and Co.: Chicago (1866). Full title-The Military History of Wisconsin: A Record of the Civil and Military Patriotism of the State, in the War for the Union

Reed, William Howell. Hospital Life in the Army of the Potomac. William V. Spencer: Boston, MA (1866).

Gardner, Alexander. Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War. Philp and Solomons: Washington (1866). 2 volumes

Guernsey, Alfred H. Harper's Pictorial History of the Great Rebellion. McDonnell Bros.: Chicago (1866). 2 volumes; Other author-Henry M. Alden

Lossing, Benson J. Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America. George W. Childs: Philadelphia, PA (1866). 3 volumes

Stille, Charles J. History of the United States Sanitary Commission Being the General Report of Its Work During the War of Rebellion. J. B. Lippincott: Philadelphia, PA (1866).

Cudworth, Warren H. History of the First Regiment (Massachusetts Infantry). Walker, Fuller and Company: Boston, MA (1866). Full title-History of the First Regiment (Massachusetts Infantry), from the twenty-fifth of May, 1861, to the 25th of May, 1864, Including Brief References to the Army of the Potomac

Scott, John. Partisan life with Col. John S. Mosby. Harper and Brothers: New York (1867).

Brown, William Wells. Negro in the American Rebellion; His Heroism and His Fidelity. Lee and Shepard: Boston, MA (1867).

Thompson, Edwin Porter. History of the First Kentucky Brigade. Caxton Publishing House: Cincinnati, OH (1868).

Jordan, General Thomas. Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. N. B. Forrest, and of Forrest's Cavalry. Blelock and Company: New Orleans, LA (1868). Other author-J.P. Pryor

Stephens, Alexander H. A Constitutional View of the Late War Between the States; Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results. National Publishing: Philadelphia, PA (1868). 2 volumes

Bates, Samuel. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers 1861-5. Singerly: Harrisburg, VA (1869). 5 volumes

Trescott, J. Johnston. Memorial of the Life of J. Johnston Pettigrew Brig. Gen. Of the Confederate States Army. John Russell: Charleston, SC (1870).

Cooke, John Esten. Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee. D. Appleton and Company: New York (1871).

North, Thomas. Five Years in Texas or What You Did Not Hear During the War From January 1861 to January 1866. Elm Street Printing Co.: Cincinnati, OH (1871). Full title-Five Years in Texas or What You Did Not Hear During the War From January 1861 to January 1866: A Narrative of His Travels, Experiences, and Observations in Texas and Mexico

Johnston, Joseph E. Narrative of Military Operations. D. Appleton and Company: New York (1874).

Sherman, William Tecumseh. Personal Memoirs of General William T. Sherman. D. Appleton and Company: New York (1875). 2 volumes

Barnes, Joseph K. The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion (1861-65). Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C. (1875).

Forbes, Edwin. Life Studies of the Great Army. Harry Johnson: New York (1876).

Compte de Paris d'Orleans. History of the Civil War in America. Coates: Philadelphia, PA (1876). 4 volumes

Scott, Robert N. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C. (1880). 128 volumes; Other authors-George B. Davis, H.M. Lazelle, Leslie J. Perry and Joseph W. Kirkley

Davis, Jefferson. Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. D. Appleton and Company: New York (1881). 2 volumes

Plum, William R. The Military Telegraph During the Civil War in the United States. Jansen, McClurg and Company: Chicago (1882). 2 volumes

Johnson, Robert Underwood. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. The Century Co.: New York (1884). 4 volumes; Other author-Clarence Clough Buel

Mottelay, Paul F. The Soldier in Our Civil War. J. F. Brown Publishing Company: New York (1884). 2 volumes; Full title-The Soldier in Our Civil War: A Pictorial History of the Conflict, 1861-1865, Illustrating the Valor of the Soldier As Displayed on the Battle-Field; Other authors-Robert B. Beath and T. Campbell-Copeland

Grant, U.S. Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant. Charles L. Webster: New York (1885). 2 volumes

Hazen, W. B. General. A Narrative Of Military Service. Ticknor And Company: Boston, MA (1885).

Badeau, Adam. Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, from April, 1861 to April, 1865. D. Appleton and Company: New York (1885). 3 volumes

McClellan, George B. McClellan's Own Story. Charles L. Webster: New York (1887).

Tobie, Edward P. History of the First Maine Cavalry. Emery and Hughes: Boston, MA (1887).

Johnson, Robert Underwood. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. The Century Co.: New York (1887). Grant Lee Edition; 8 volumes; Other author-Clarence Clough Buel

Compton, James R. Andersonville: The Story of Man's Inhumanity to Man. Iowa Printing Company: Des Moines, IA (1887).

Crawford, Samuel Wylie. Genesis of the Civil War: The Story of Sumter 1860-1861. Charles L. Webster: New York (1887).

Planting the Guns on Kennesaw. Press of Fleming, Brewster and Alley: New York (1887). Full title-Planting the Guns on Kennesaw: [Cover title: St. Valentine February Fourteenth 1887]

Scharf, J. Thomas. History of the Confederate States Navy From Its Organization to the Surrender of Its Last Vessel. Rogers and Sherwood: New York (1887).

Record of the Service of the Forty-Fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia in North Carolina August 1862-1863. Privately Printed: Boston, MA (1887).

Holabird, S.B. Flags of the Army of the United States Carried during the War of the Rebellion. Philadelphia (1887). Full title-Flags of the Army of the United States Carried during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865, to Designate the Headquarters of the Different Armies, Army Corps, Divisions and Brigades Civil War

Verne, Jules. North Against South. Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington: London (1888). First U.K. Edition

Sheridan, Phillip H. Personal Memoirs of P.H. Sheridan. Charles L. Webster: New York (1888). 2 volumes

Williams, George W. A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65. Harper and Brothers: New York (1888). Full title-A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65: Preceded by a Review of the Military Services of Negroes in Ancient and Modern Times

Isham, Asa B. Prisoners of War and Military Prisons. Lyman and Cushing: Cincinnati, OH (1890). Other authors-Henry M. Davidson and Henry B. Furness; Full title-Prisoners of War and Military Prisons: Personal Narratives of Experience in the Prisons at Richmond, Danville, Macon, Andersonville, Savannah, Millen, Charleston and Columbia with a General Account of Prison Life, Prisons in the South, List of Officers

Dawes. Rufus R. Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers. E. R. Alderman and Sons: Marietta OH (1890).

Forbes, Edwin. Thirty Years After: An Artist's Story of the Great War. Fords, Howard and Hulbert: New York (1890). 2 volumes

Davis, Varina Jefferson. Jefferson Davis: Ex President of the Confederate States of America. Belford Company, Publishers: New York (1890). 2 volumes

Leslie, Frank. The Soldier in Our Civil War: A Pictorial History of the Conflict, 1861-1865. Stanley Bradley Publishing Company: New York (1890). 2 volumes; Edited by P. Mottelay and T. Campbell-Copeland

Jackman, Lyman. History of the Sixth New Hampshire Regiment in the War for the Union. Republican Press Association (1891). Other author-Amos Hadley

Emilio, Luis F. History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1863-1865. Boston Book Company: Boston, MA (1891).

Eldredge, D. The Third New Hampshire and All About It. E. B. Stillings: Boston, MA (1893).

Rush, Richard. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C. (1894). 30 volumes; Other author-Robert H. Woods

Crane, Stephen. Red Badge of Courage. D. Appleton and Company: New York (1895).

Tourgee, Albion W. Story of a Thousand. S. McGerald and Son: Buffalo, NY (1896). Full title-Story of a Thousand: Being a History of the Service of the 105th OhioVolunteer Infantry in the War for the Union from August 21st, 1862 to June 6, 1865

Boynton, Henry V. Was General Thomas Slow At Nashville?. Francis P. Harper: New York (1896). 150 copies

Brown, J. Willard. The Signal Corps, U. S. A. in the War of Rebellion. U. S. Veteran Signal Corps Association: Boston, MA (1896).

Leslie, Frank. Frank Leslie's Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War. Mrs. Frank Leslie: New York (1896). Edited by Louis Shepheard Moat

Miles, Nelson A. Personal Recollections and Observations of General Nelson A. Miles. Werner Company: Chicago (1896).

Thompson, Ed Porter. History of the Orphan Brigade. Lewis N. Thompson: Louisville, KY (1898).

Wilmer, L. Allison. History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers. Press of Guggenheimer, Weil and Co.: Baltimore, MD (1898). 2 volumes; Other authors-J.H. Jarrett and Geo. W.F. Vernon; Full title-History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-5. Prepared under Authority of the General Assembly of Maryland

Chetlain, Augustus L. Recollections of Seventy Years. The Gazette Publishing Company: Galena (1899).

Bowen, J.R. Regimental History of the First New York Dragoons. Published by the Author (1900).

Clowes, Walter F. The Detroit Light Guard, A Complete Record of the Organization. John F. Eby and Co. (1900).

West, John C. A Texan in Search of a Fight: Being the Diary and Letters of a Private Soldier in Hood's Texas Brigade. Press of J. S. Hill and Co.: Waco, TX (1901).

Davis, William. The Partisan Rangers of the Confederate States Army. Geo. G. Fetter Company: Louisville, KY (1904).

McMorries, Edward Young. History of the First Regiment Alabama Volunteer Infantry C.S.A.. Brown Printing Co.: Montgomery, AL (1904).

Fitch, Michael H. Echoes of the Civil War as I Hear Them. R. F. Fenno and Company: New York (1905).

Fleming, Walter L. Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama. Columbia University Press: New York (1905).

Sipes, William B. The Seventh Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Cavalry Its Record, Reminiscences and Roster. Miners's Journal Print: Pottsville, PA (1905).

Smith, J.L. History of the 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers. J.L. Smith, Map Publisher: Philadelphia, PA (1905). Introduction by Joshua L. Chamberlain; Full title-History of the 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Corn Exchange Regiment, From Their First Engagement at Antietam to Appomattox, to Which is Added a Record of Its Organization and a Complete Roster

Munson, John W. Reminiscences of a Mosby Guerilla. Moffat, Yard, and Company: New York (1906).

Curtis, Newton Martin. From Bull Run to Chancellorsville: The Story of the Sixteenth New York. Putnam: New York (1906).

Thomas, Clarence. General Turner Ashby, the Centaur of the South. Eddy Press: Winchester VA (1907).

Howard, Oliver Otis. The Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, Major General United States Army. The Baker and Taylor Company: New York (1907). 2 volumes

The Union Army - A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal States, 1861-65. Federal Publishing Company: Madison, WI (1908). 8 volumes

Mann, Albert W. History of the Forty-Fifth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Spooner: Boston, MA (1908).

Wright, Marcus Joseph. Battles and Commanders of the Civil War. C. Stanley: Washington, D.C. (1908). Full title-Battles and Commanders of the Civil War: A Graphic and Pictorial History Prepared Directly from the Government Records

Childers, Erskine. War And The Arme Blanche. Edward Arnold: London (1910).

Bigelow, John, Jr. The Campaign of Chancellorsville; a Strategic and Tactical Study. Yale University Press: New Haven (1910). 1000 copies

Dickey, Luther S. History of the 103rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry. L.S. Dickey: Chicago (1910). Collaborated by Samuel M. Evans

Miller, Francis Trevelyan. Photographic History of the Civil War. Review of Reviews: New York (1911). 10 volumes; Edited by Robert Lanier

Farrar, Samuel Clarke. The Twenty-Second Pennsylvania Cavalry and the Ringgold Battalion 1861-1865. Twenty-Second Pennsylvania Ringgold Cavalry Association: Pittsburgh, PA (1911).

Roe, Alfred S. The Fifth Regiment Massachsetts Volunteer Infantry in Its Three Tours of Duty. Fifth Regiment Veteran Assoc.: Boston, MA (1911).

Phisterer, Frederick. New York in the War of the Rebellion. J. R. Lyon Company: Albany, NY (1912). 6 volumes

Dawson, Sarah Morgan. A Confederate Girl's Diary. Houghton Mifflin/Riverside: Boston, MA (1913).

Terhune, Albert Payson. Dad. W.J. Watt: New York (1914). Other author-Sinclair Lewis

Cyrus A. Peterson and Joseph Mills Hanson. Pilot Knob. The Neale Publishing Company: New York (1914). Other author-Joseph Mills Hanson

Peterson, Cyrus A. Pilot Knob: The Thermopylae of the West. Neale Publishing Co., New York (1914). Hardcover. 324 pages, dark blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine. An account of a Civil War battle fought in Missouri. Tight, clean copy. None

Richardson, J. A. Richardson's Defense of the South. A. B. Caldwell: Atlanta, GA (1914).

McIlvaine, Mabel. Reminiscences of Chicago During the Civil War. The Lakeside Press: Chicago (1914).

Butler, M. B. My Story of the Civil War and the Underground Railroad. United Brethren Publishing Co.: Huntington, IN (1914).

Roe, Alfred S. Thirty-Ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 1862-1865. Worcester, MA (1914).

Nicolay, John G. Abraham Lincoln: A History. Century Co.: New York (1917). 10 volumes; Other author-John Hay

Hills, Lucius Perry. The Yank and the Reb (And Other Poems). A. B. Caldwell, Publishing Co: Atlanta, GA (1917).

Brent, Joseph Lancaster. The Lugo Case: Capture of the IroncladIndianola. Search and Pfaff: New Orleans, LA (1926).

Greely, A. W. Reminiscences of Adventure and Service: A Record of Sixty-Five Years. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York (1927). Signed Edition

Mathews, William H. Harry. Iowa Printing Company: Iowa City, IA (1927). Full title-Harry: Being the Recollections of an English Boy, who served four years in the Union Army during the Civil War

Warren, Robert Penn. John Brown: The Making of a Martyr. Payson and Clarke, Ltd.: New York (1929).

Lytle, Andrew Nelson. Bedford Forrest and His Critter Company. Minton, Balch and Co: New York (1931).

Colton, Matthias Baldwin. The Civil War Journal And Correspondence Of Matthias Baldwin Colton. Macrae-Smith Company: Philadelphia, PA (1931). 200 copies; Edited by Jessie Sellers Colton

Freeman, Douglas Southall. The Last Parade. Whittet and Shepperson: Richmond, VA (1932).

Freeman, Douglas Southall. R.E. Lee: A Biography. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York (1934). Sgined Edition; 4 volumes

Mitchell, Margaret. Gone With The Wind. Macmillan: New York (1936).

Faulkner, William. The Unvanquished. Random House: New York (1938).

Sandburg, Carl. Abraham Lincoln: The War Years. Harcourt, Brace and Company: New York (1939). Signed Edition; 4 volumes; 525 copies

Robinson, William M., Jr. Justice in Grey, A History of the Judicial System of the Confederate States of America. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (1941).

Haydon, F. Stansbury. Aeronautics in the Union and Confederate Armies; With a Survey of Military Aeronautics Prior to 1861. The John Hopkins Press: Baltimore, MD (1941).

Miller, Francis. The Photographic history of the Civil War. Thomas Yoseloff (1957). 10 volumes

Burchard, Peter. One Gallant Rush: Robert Gould Shaw and His Brave Black Regiment. St. Martin's Press: New York (1965).

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