Frank, Robert. From Incas to Indios. Universe Books (1956).
Frank, Robert. Les Americains. Delpire (1958).
Frank, Robert Kerouac, J. Pull My Daisy. Grove Press (1959).
Frank, Robert. The Americans. Grover Press (1959).
Frank, Robert. Zero Mostel Reads a Book. New York Times (1963).
Frank, Robert. The Americans. Grossman Publishers/Aperture (1969).
Frank, Robert. The Lines of My Hand. Yugensha (1972).
Frank, Robert. The Lines of My Hand. Lustrum Press (1972).
Frank, Robert. New York to Nova Scotia. Houston Museum of Fine Arts/Bulfinch Press (1986).
Frank, Robert. New York to Nova Scotia. New York Graphic Society (1986).