James Augustine Joyce is considered the most influential writer of the early 20th century. Born in middle-class Dublin, Joyce continually demonstrated excellence as a student. After graduating, he eventually relocated to Europe. Although his physical residence changed, Joyce's creatively fictional mind-spacewas set inhis hometown of Dublin. Characters who mirror family members, enemies and friends occupythe heart and meaning of most of his novels. After the success of his most renowned literary conquest he is quoted as saying "For myself, I always write about Dublin, because if I can get to the heart of Dublin I can get to the heart of all the cities of the world." His creative juices flowed from the roots of his birthplace.
Joyce's revolutionary work of art, Ulysses (1922), was beset with various contrasting literary styles. The most famously noted is the "stream of consciousness" academic technique whereby the thought process is relayed in written word amidst a running storyline. Ulysses is a widely sought after collectible literary marvel. Abebooks.com hashad a pristine condition novels listed for as much as $211,271.18. This edition is inscribed on the first blank with "To Sydney Schiff, James Joyce. Paris 8 April 1922". Various other copies of Ulysses can be found on Abebooks site for $135,000 and $114,579 depending on the quality of the item. Heritage Auctions has sold first edition copies of Ulysses for amounts ranging from $6,562.50 to $35,000 depending on the issue/printing and the condition of the specific copy.
Joyce's other timeless works of art include a short-story collection, Dubliners (1914), which is offered for amounts up to $6,832.98 (first edition, first printing) and as low as $550.00 (first edition, fourth printing) on Abebooks.com and other auction and collectible sites. Novels, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake (1939) have also increased in desirability over the years.
Joyce, James. The Venture. Arden Press, Leamington (1905). An Annual of Art and Literature; Edited by Laurence Housman and W. Somerset Maugham; Two Volumes; IncludesTwo Songs by James Joyce; Other contributors to this annual include Arthur Symons, Alice Meynell, Oliver Gogarty, and illustrators J. McNeil Whistler, Frank Brangwyn, Arthur Rackham, and J. S. Sargent; Illustrations by Arthur Rackham.
Joyce, James. Chamber Music. Elkin Mathews, London (1907). 509 copies were printed; Thirty-six love poems
Joyce, James. THE DUBLIN BOOK OF IRISH VERSE. Oxford University Press, London (1909). Edited by John Cooke; Contains three poems by James Joyce.
Joyce, James. Dubliners. Grant Richards, London (1914). 15 short stories including the title story,Araby, andThe Dead.; 1250 copies; 746 copies bound by Richards with the other 504 sent to America for the edition published by B. W. Huebsch.
Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. B. W. Huebsch, New York (1916).
Joyce, James. A Portrait of The Author as a Young Man. Huebsch, New York (1916). 750 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Dubliners. B. W. Huebsch, New York (1916). Total 1250 copies; First American edition 504 copies printed; This collection includes his best-known storyThe Dead.
Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. B. W. Huebsch, New York (1917).
Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Egoist Press, London (1917). About 1000 copies were printed
Joyce, James. Dubliners. Huebsch, New York (1917).
Monroe, Harriet. Poetry. Poetry, Chicago (1917). Joyce, James; Sandburg, Carl; Corbin, Alice; Drinkwater, John; A Magazine of Verse; Vol XI, No. II. November 1917; Edited by Harriet Monroe; Issue contains 3 poems by JoyceOn the Beach at Fontana,Alone andShe Weeps at Rahoon, as well as SandburgsWar Poem.
Joyce, James. Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man. The Egoist Ltd, London (1917). 1,000 copies were printed; first edition printed in England which was preceded by an edition consist about 750 copies from the American sheets
Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. B.W. Huebsch, New York (1918).
Joyce, James. Chamber Music. Elkin Mathews, London (1918).
Joyce, James. Chamber Music. Cornhill Company, Boston (1918). 1000 copies printed; The collection originally comprised thirty-four love poems, but two further poems were added before publication bringing the total to thirty six.
Joyce, James. Exiles. B. W. Huebsch, New York (1918). A Play in Three Acts; Published the same day as the British Edition and likely in very small numbers as the publisher stated in 1921 that only 388 copies had sold.
Joyce, James. Exiles. Grant Richards, London (1918). A Play in Three Acts.
Joyce, James. Verbannte. Rascher and Cie, Verlag, Zurich (1919).
Joyce, James. A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man. B. W. Huebsch, New York (1921).
Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The Egoist Press, London (1921). 1000 copies printed
Joyce, James. Exiles. Egoist Press, London (1921). A play in three acts; 1000 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Dubliners. B. W. Huebsch, New York (1922).
Joyce, James. Dubliners. Egoist Press, London (1922). Egoist printed 500 sets of Dubliners sheets and bound 168 books; The sheets were sold to Jonathan Cape in 1924
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Egoist Press, London (1922). 2000 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare and Company, Paris (1922). The total edition was limited to 1,000 copies: in addition to 750 copies on handmade paper, there were 100 signed copies on thicker Dutch handmade paper numbered 1-100; and 150 large paper copies on verge D'Arches (large paper) numbered 101-250.
Joyce, James. Chamber Music. Egoist Press, London (1923). 107 copies; The edition was intended as 500, but 393 sets of sheets remained when Egoist was acquired by Jonathan Cape in 1924
Joyce, James. Dedalus. Editions de la Sirene, Paris (1924). Portrait de lartiste jeune par lui-meme; Traduit de langlais par Ludmilla Savitsky.
Joyce, James. Exiles. Huebsch, New York (1924). A Play in Three Acts; American Edition, Reissue of 1924 in original Red dust Jacket; Total sales to October 10, 1921 were 388 copies .
Joyce, James. James Joyce. B. W. Huebsch, New York (1924). GORMAN, HERBERT S; His First Forty Years
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare and Company, Paris (1924).
Joyce, James. A New Unnamed Work. Two Worlds, New York (1925). in TWO WORLDS; 4 Volume; 500 copies.
Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Viking Press, New York (1925).
Joyce, James. Contract Collection of Contemporary Writers. Three Mountains Press, Paris (1925). Edited by Robert McAlmon;300 copies printed; With contributions by Djuna Barnes, Bryher, Mary Butts, Norman Douglas, Havelock Ellis, Ford Madox Ford, Wallace Gould, Ernest Hemingway, Marsden Hartley, H. D., John Herrman, Joyce, Mina Loy, Robert McAlmon, Ezra Pound, Dorothy Richardson, May Sinclair, Edith Sitwell, Gertrude Stein and William Carlos Williams; Includes JoycesFrom a Work in Progress.
Joyce, James. Dubliners. B.W. Huebsch, New York (1925).
Joyce, James. Two Worlds. Samuel Roth, New York (1925). Edited by Samuel Roth; A Literary Quarterly devoted to the increase of the gaiety of nations; Volumes 1-4; Contains four (of five) unauthorized printings of Joyce'sWork in Progress; Othercontributors include Beerbohm, Hardy, Frank Harris, D.H. Lawrence, Arthur Symons, Wilde and Zukofsky.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare and Company, Paris (1925).
Joyce, James. Gens de Dublin. Librairie Plon, Paris (1926). Translated by Yva Fernandez, Helene Du Pasquier, and Jacques-Paul Reynaud; Preface by Valery Larbaud
Joyce, James. JAMES JOYCE. Geoffrey Bles, London (1926). Gorman, H.S; HIS FIRST FORTY YEARS
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare and Company, Paris (1926). in Two Worlds Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 3, No. 3; set of the first 5 installments each was issued in an edition consisting 500 copies only
Joyce, James. Pomes Penyeach. Shakespeare and Company, Paris (1927). illustrated by Lucia Joyce; First edition of thirteen poems by Joyce written between 1904 (in Dublin) and 1924 (in Paris), encompassing Zurich and Trieste along the way. The thirteen poems are: Tilly, Watching the Needleboats at San Sabba, A Flower Given to My Daughter, She Weeps Over Rahoon, Tutto e Sciolto, On the Beach at Fontana, Simples, Flood, Nightpiece, Alone, A Memory of the Players in a Mirror at Midnight, Bahnhofstrasse and A Prayer.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare and Company, Paris (1927). Translated into German by Georg Goyert; 1000 copies printed; 3 volumes bound in one.
Joyce, James. Anna Livia Plurabellle. Crosby Gaige, New York (1928). with a preface by Padraic Colum Joyce; 850 copies.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Shakespeare and Company, Paris (1928).
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Samuel and Max Roth, New York (1929). Traduit de langlais par M. Auguste Morel assiste par M. Stuart Gilbert; Traduction entierement revue par M. Valery Larbaud avec la collaboration de lauteur; 875 copies.
Joyce, James. Anna Livia Plurabelle. Faber and Faber, London (1930). Fragment of Work in Progress;10,166 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Haveth Childers Everywhere. Fountain Press, Paris (1930). Fragment from Work in Progress; 685 copies; 100 copies on Imperial hand-made iridescent Japan paper
Joyce, James. Imagist Anthology. Chatto and Windus, London (1930).
Joyce, James. Imagist Anthology. Covici-Friede, New York (1930). Poems by Joyce, Aldington, H.D., W.C. Williams, etc; Foreword by Ford Madox Ford.
Joyce, James. Ulysse. Gallimard, Paris (1930). Traduit de langlais integrale par M. Auguste Morel assiste par M. Stuart Gilbert et entierement revue par M. Valery Larbaud et l auteur
Joyce, James. Ulysse. Monnier and Fourcade (1930). Traduction francaise integrale de M. Auguste Morel, assiste par M. Stuart Gilbert, entierement revue par M. Valery Larbaud et lauteur; 3500 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Rhein-Verlag, Zurich (1930). Translated by Georg Goyert the second edition was revised in collaboration with Joyce; 2 volumes.
Joyce, James. Haveth Childers Everywhere. Faber and Faber, London (1931). Fragment of Work in Progress; 250 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Pomes Penyeach. Privately printed,Cleveland (1931). Fifty copies were printed by the Princeton University Press for Beach to secure American copyright; Pirated edition consist 103 copies published in Cleveland later the same year.
Joyce, James. Two Tales of Shem and Shaun. Faber and Faber, London (1932). Mitchell, Joseph; Fragments from Work in Progress; This volume contains two of the most famous and important parts of Finnegans Wake; The two stories are The Mookse and the Gripes and The Ondt and the Gracehoper; Limited to 3849 copies
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Odyssey Press, Hamburg (1932). 2 volumes.
Joyce, James. Pomes Penyeach. Faber and Faber, London (1933). Includes 13 poems.
Joyce, James. The Joyce Book. The Sylvan Press and Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, London (1933). 500 copies; The entire text of Pomes Penyeach by James Joyce set to music by various composers. Designed by Hubert Foss; Frontispiece portrait of Joyce by Augustus John; Prologue poem by James Stephens, James Joyce As A Poet by Padriac Colum, Editor's Note by Herbert Hughes; Epilogue by Arthur Symons, The poems are set to music by George Anthiel, Edgado Carducci, Eugene Goossens, C.W. Orr, Bernard Van Dieren, E. J. Moeran, Arnold Bax, Albert Roussel, John Ireland, Herbert Hughes, Eugene Goossens, Roger Sessions, Herbert Howells
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Odyssey Press, Hamburg (1933). 2 volumes.
Joyce, James. The Mime of Mick, Nick and the Maggies. Sevrire Press, The Hague (1934). A fragment from Work in Progress;1000 copies and 29 copies were signed by James and Lucia Joyce and one thousand were issued copies on old Antique Dutch; Illustrated with elaborate Art Deco colour Cover Piece, Initial Letter and Tailpiece in metallic ink, specially designed for this Printing by the Authors Daughter, Lucia Joyce.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Limited Editions Club, New York (1935). With an Introduction by Stuart Gilbert; 1500 copies including 250 copies signed by both Joyce and Matisse; Illustrated by Matisse with twenty-six plates, consisting of six soft-ground etchings, printed by hand, and twenty lithographic drawings, made as studies for the etchings, printed on thin colored papers
Joyce, James. Anna Livia Plurabelle. Argus Book Shop, Chicago (1936). Text by James Joyce; Music by Hazel Felman; Accompanied by MUSIC AND JAMES JOYCE by Martin Ross; 350 copies.
Joyce, James. Collected Poems of James Joyce. Black Sun Press, Paris (1936). Contains 50 poems in all (the completeChamber Music andPomes Penyeach, plusEcce Puer (the last poems first appearance in book form); Frontis of Joyce by Augustus Johns with tissue; Book designed by Caresse Crosby; Total edition consist 800 copies.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. The Bodley Head, London (1936). 1000 copies printed; 100 numbered copies on special paper and bound in full gilt-decorated vellum signed by Joyce; with an design by Eric Gill
Joyce, James. Collected Poems. Viking Press, New York (1937). 1000 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Desterrados. Buenos Aires, Sur (1937).
Joyce, James. Storiella As She Is Syung. Corvinus Press, London (1937). Illuminated opening initial by Lucia Joyce; 175 copies.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. The Bodley Head, London (1937). Gilt device on upper cover designed by Eric Gill
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Faber and Faber, London (1939). Limited edition 450 copies.
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Viking, New York (1939). Total 450 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Pastimes. Joyce Memorial Fund Committee, New York (1941). Portrait frontispiece by Jo Davidson; 100 copies.
Joyce, James. Stephen Hero. New Directions Books, New York (1944). A part of the first draft of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; Edited from the manuscript in the Harvard College Library by Theodore Spencer
Joyce, James. Stephen Hero. Jonathan Cape, London (1944). Part of the first draft of 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; Edited with an introduction by Theodore Spencer.
Joyce, James. Ulises. Santiago Rueda, Ed., Buenos Aires (1945). Traducido por J. Salas Subirat; 2,200 copies
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Faber and Faber, London (1950).
Joyce, James. Les Exiles. Gallimard, Paris (1950). Traduit de langlais par J. S. Bradley; Total 1050 copies.
Joyce, James. Exiles. Viking, New York (1951). A Play in Three Acts Including Hitherto Unpublished notes by the Author; Including Hitherto Unpublished Notes.and an Introduction by Padraic Colum; 1975 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Exiles. Jonathan Cape, London (1952). A Play in Three Acts; With the Authors own notes and an introduction by Padraic Colum.
Joyce, James. JAMES JOYCE LETTERS. Viking Press, New York (1957). Gilbert, Stuart (edited Volume 1) Ellman, Richard (edited Vol 2 and 3) (Three Volumes Boxed)
Joyce, James. Letters of James Joyce. Faber and Faber, London (1957). Three volumes; First volume edited by Stuart Gilbert, volumes two and three by Richard Ellmann
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Caedmon Records, New York (1959).
Joyce, James. ULYSSES. Modern Library Giant, New York (1961). Foreword By Morris L. Ernst Dec. 1933, and the Decision of United States District Court Rendered By Judge John.
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Gallimard, Paris (1962). Fragments Adaptes; Suivis De Anna Livia Plurabelle; into French by Andre du Bouchet, accompanied by the earlier translation of ANNA LIVIA PLURABELLE undertaken by Beckett, Jolas, Monnier, Soupault, et al, and an introduction by Michel Butor; 67 copies printed.
James Joyce. A First Draft Version of Finnegans Wake. Faber and Faber, London (1963). Edited and annotated by David Hayman; Includes 9 photographic reproductions of Finnegans Wake manuscripts
Joyce, James. A Shorter Finnegans Wake. Faber and Faber, London (1966). Two-page foreword and 18-page introduction by Anthony Burgess
Joyce, James. James Joyce. Viking Press, New York (1966). Letters, Volume I (1), Volume II (2) and Volume III (3); Edited By Ellmann, Richard
Joyce, James. Letters. Viking, New York (1966). Volume I was edited in 1957 by Stuart Gilbert, reissued with corrections in 1966; Volumes II and III edited by Richard Ellmann in 1966.
Joyce, James. Letters of James Joyce. Viking Press, New York (1967). IN THREE (3) VOLUMES; Frontispiece photo each volume + occasional photographs and facsimiles; Volume I edited 1957 by Stuart Gilbert and Reissued with corrections, 1966. Volumes II and III edited 1966 by Richard Ellmann
Joyce, James. Giacomo Joyce. Viking Press, New York (1968). With an Introduction and Notes by Richard Ellmann; 14 manuscript facsimile plates, two of which are folding
Joyce, James. Bloomsday. Graphic Society, Greenwich (1972). An Interpretation of James Joyces Ulysses; Reproductions of Saul Fields colour engravings and the preliminary drawings thereto, accompanied by Morton P. Levitts essays on Ulysses; Engravings by Saul Field, text by Morton Levitt and signed by both; covers all 24 chapters of the novel, each with engraved illustrations; 250 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Octagon Farrar Straus Giroux, New York (1975). A facsimile of the manuscript with a critical introduction by Harry Levin and a bibliographic preface by Clive Driver; 3 volumes.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Faber and Faber, London (1975). A Facsimile of the Manuscript; With a critical introduction by Harry Levin and a bibliographical preface by Clive Driver; 3 volumes; 1,775 copies printed
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Gallimard, Paris (1982). Roman; Traduit de l'Anglais et presente par Philippe Lavergne; 88 copies printed.
Joyce, James. THE DEAD. Duval and Hamilton, Pitlochry (1982). From Dubliners; With 4 etchings by Pietro Annigoni; Total 170 copies printed;20 copies for the artist.
Joyce, James. Dubliners. Dolmen Press, Ireland (1986). Designed by Liam Miller; The text is composed in Monotype cutting of the Joanna typeface designed by Eric Gill, printed in letterpress; Ninety black and white lithographic brush drawings on white wove mouldmade rag specially made at Saint Cuthberts Mill, Somerset, printed at the September Press, Wellingborough England by Christopher Skelton and Alan Bultitude; 500 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Dubliners. Limited Editions Club, New York (1986). Introduction by Thomas Flanagan and photogravures by Robert Ballagh; 1000 copies printed; Illustrated with six photogravures by Robert Ballagh printed on handmade paper
Joyce, James. ULYSSES. Arion Press, San Francisco (1988). With foreward by Andrew Hoyem; 250 copies printed;WITH 40 ETCHINGS BY ROBERT MOTHERWELL, PLUS A PORTFOLIO OF 22 EXTRA PRINTS
Joyce, James. GIACOMO JOYCE. Vincent FitzGerald and Company, New York (1989). INTERPRETED BY SUSAN WEIL;Printing by Wild Carrot Letterpres; Dante type set by Michael Bixler, calligraphy by Jerry Kelly, etching by Marjorie Van Dyke; 50 copies
Joyce, James. Works in Progress. Spilt Pea Press, Edinburgh (1992). Sauer, Michel;Anna Livia Plurabelle; The Mookse and the Gripes; The Muddest Thick that was ever heard Dump; The Ondt and the Gracehoper; Haveth Childers Everywhere;The Mime of Nick Mick and the Maggies; Storiella as She is Syung; 500 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. Easton Press, Norwalk (1996). illustrations by Matisse and the artists work are contained in their entirety within; 1000 copies
Joyce, James. Ulysses. The Lilliput Press, Dublin (1997). Limited to 1000 numbered copies; Edited with a Preface by Danis Rose; Introduction by John Banville.
Joyce, James. Ulysses. The Folio Society, London (1998).
Joyce, James. Ulysses. The Easton Press, Norwalk (1999). Illustrated by Henri Matisse
Brinkley, Alan. The American Journey. (2001). James M. McPherson, Joyce Appleby; Volume One: Beginnings to 1877
Joyce, James. Ulysses. The Folio Society, London (2004). LIMITED to 120 copies; With a preface by Stephen James Joyce, introduction by Jacques Aubert, and etchings by Mimmo Paladino; Bound in full turqouise goatskin to as design by Jeff Clements; Illustrated with 18 full page reproductions of Paladinos etchings for Ulysses; Total 1760 copies printed.
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Houyhnhnm Press, Mousehole (2010). Accompanied with a 38 page booklet edited by Danis Rose and John O'Hanlon, with a Note by Seamus Deane; Foreword by Hans Walter Gabler; Introduction by David Greetham; Preface and Afterword by the editors; 150 copies; 26 lettered copies