
Annotated Reference Guide to Collectible Books and Original Prints

Kerouac, Jack Annotated Bibliography & Selected Collectible Books

Jack Kerouac, born Jean-Louis Kerouac was an American novelist and poet. He is considered a literary iconoclast, an individual who challenges or overturns traditional beliefs, customs, and values, whose work inspired an age of free thinking and spontaneity. Kerouac's lists of works include On the Road, Doctor Sax, The Dharma Bums, Mexico City Blues, The Subterraneans, Desolation Angels, Visions of Cody, The Sea is My Brother, and Big Sur. Kerouac is quoted having said "the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles." He has a penchant for the uncommon and untraditional and known for his candor and unconventional thinking.

A letter from Kerouac to Marlon Brando proposing that he play the role of Dean in the anticipated film portrayal ofOn The Roadsold at auction through Christie's for $33,600 in 2005.

Kerouac, Jack. The Town and The City. Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York (1950). First book, written under the name John Kerouac

Kerouac, Jack. The Town and the City. Eyre and Spottiswoode, London (1951).

Kerouac, Jack. On The Road. The Viking Press, New York (1957). Mulitple printings

Kerouac, Jack. On The Road. Andre Deutch, London (1958). First UK Edition; multiple issues; 3000 copies in first edition

Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. Andre Deutsch, London (1958). First UK Edition; first issues with misprint on publication date (1950)

Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. New York: The Viking Press (1958).

Kerouac, Jack. The Subterraneans. Grove Press Inc., New York (1958). multiple issues; edition includes a Limited Edition of 100 numbered copies, specially bound

Kerouac, Jack. Big Table. Big Table, Chicago (1959). And Anthology; Edited by Irving and Paul Carroll; 3 volumes; poems and prose by Kerouac, Corso, Robert Creeley, Kenneth Koch, Allen Ginsberg (Kaddish), Robert Duncan, Paul Bowles, Edward Dahlberg and others

Kerouac, Jack. Doctor Sax. Grove Press, New York (1959). Ffewer than 1000 copies. A Specially bound and signed edition of 26 copies lettered A through Z, and 4 copies, hors commerce, numbered 1 through 4

Kerouac, Jack. Hymn. Jubilee, New York (1959). God Pray for Me; illustrated by David Budd issued as Pax Number 10 by Jubilee magazine;

Kerouac, Jack (et al). Jan 1st 1959: Fidel Castro. Totem Press, No Place (1959). Poems by Kerouac, Jones, Finstein, Oppenheimer, Sorrentino, and Loewinsohn.

Kerouac, Jack. Maggie Cassidy. Avon Books, New York (1959). A Love Story;

Kerouac, Jack. Mexico City Blues. Grove Press, New York (1959). Paperback and Hardcover published at same time; multiple printings

Kerouac, Jack. Pull My Daisy. Grove Press, New York (1959). Introduction by Jerry Tallmer; for the film by Robert Frank and Alfred Leslie; black and white stills from the movie

Frank, Robert. The Americans. Grove Press, Inc., New York (1959). Introduction by Jack Kerouac; photographs by Robert Frank; First US edition (preceded by French and Italian)

Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. Andre Deutsch., London (1959). First UK Edition; first issues with misprint on publication date (1950)

Kerouac, Jack. Visions of Cody. New Directions, New York (1959). First Edition limited to 750 copies, signed by Kerouac

Kerouac, Jack. VISIONS OF CODY. New Directions, New York (1960). First Edition (1959) limited to 750 copies, signed by Kerouac

Kerouac, Jack. Lonesome Traveler. McGraw-Hill, New York (1960). Illustrated by Larry Rivers

Kerouac, Jack. Rimbaud. City Lights , San Fransisco (1960).

Kerouac, Jack. The Scripture Of The Golden Eternity. Totem Press/Corinth Books, New York (1960). First issue; Cover drawing by Jesse Sorrentino

Kerouac, Jack. The Subterraneans. Andre Deutsch, London (1960). First UK Edition; first issues with misprint on publication date (1950)

Kerouac, Jack. Tristessa. Avon, New York (1960). First US Edition; Mass market paperback edition

Kerouac, Jack. Book Of Dreams. City Lights, San Francisco (1961). 5000 copies

Kerouac, Jack. Pull My Daisy. Grove Press, New York (1961). Intro by Jerry Tallmer; for the film by Robert Frank and Alfred Leslie; 38+ black and white stills from the movie

Kerouac, Jack. Big Sur. Farrar Straus and Cudahy, New York (1962).

Kerouac, Jack. Lonesome Traveler. Andre Deutsch, London (1962). First UK Edition

Kerouac, Jack. The Outsiders. New Orleans: Loujon Press, 1962, New Orleans (1962). Vol. 1, No. 2 magazine; Contributions by Kerouac, Bukowski, William Burroughs, Kenneth Patchen and others; Drawings and photographs

Kerouac, Jack. Big Sur. Andre Deutsch, London (1963). First UK Edition

Kerouac, Jack. Visions of Gerard. Farrar, Straus and Company, New York (1963). Illustrated by James Spanfeller

Kerouac, Jack. Visions of Gerard and Tristessa. Andre Deutsch, London (1964). First UK Edition

Kerouac, Jack. Desolation Angels. Coward-McCann, New York (1965). Introduction by Seymour Krim

Kerouac, Jack. A Pun for Al Gelpi. Lowell House, Cambridge (1966). Illustrated with 2-color block print by Nicole Hollander; Limited edition of 100 numbered copies signed by author

Kerouac, Jack. Satori in Paris. Grove Press, Inc., New York (1966).

Kerouac, Jack. Hugo Weber. Portents, New York (1967). Ann Charters photo of a Hugo Weber painting tipped in; Poem by Kerouac: 'An Imaginary Portrait of Ulysses S. Grant/ Edgar Allen Poe'. ; Edition limited to 200 copies

Kerouac, Jack. Someday You'll Be Lying. Kriya Press, Pleasant Valley (1967). Edition limited to 100 numbered copies; 4 poems by Kerouac; illustrated with large woodcut

Kerouac, Jack. The Vanity of Duluoz.. Coward-McCann, Inc, New York (1968). An Adventurous Education, 1935-46

FRANK, Robert and KEROUAC, Jack. The Americans.. Aperture and Grossman Pub., New York (1969). Introduction by Jack Kerouac; photographs by Robert Frank; Revised and Expanded

Kerouac, Jack. The Vanity of Duluoz. Andre Deutsch, London. (1969). An Adventurous Education, 1935-46.; First UK Edition

Kerouac, Jack. Visions of Cody. McGraw Hill, New York (1972). Introduction by Allen Ginsberg

Kerouac, Jack. Old Angel Midnight. Booklegger/Albion (1973).

Kerouac, Jack. Two Early Stories. Aloe Editions,New York (1973). includes: The Brothers, Une Veille de Noel - originally published in Horace Mann Quarterly, 1939-40; 175 numbered copies

Kerouac, Jack. Maggie Cassidy. Andre Deutsch, London (1974). First UK hardcover Edition

Kerouac, Jack. Doctor Sax. Andre Deutsch, London (1977). Faust Part Three; First UK Edition

Kerouac, Jack. American Haikus. Caliban Press, New Jersey (1986). edition limited to 125 numbered copies

Kerouac, Jack. Kerouac at the Wild Boar. Fels and Firn Press, San Anselmo, CA (1986). and Other Skirmishes: A Tribute to Jack Kerouac; Compiled by John Montgomery; Contributors include: Ann Charters, Gerald Nicosia, Frankie Edith Parker Kerouac, Joy Walsh, many others; Deluxe limited edition of 100 numbered copies signed by editor

Kerouac, Jack. Good Blonde and Others. Grey Fox Press, San Francisco (1993). Preface by Robert Creeley; Edition limited to 50 copies signed by Robert Creeley

Kerouac, Jack. Old Angel Midnight. Grey Fox Press, San Francisco (1993). Preface by Ann charters and Michael McClure; Edition limited to 50 copies (edition total:60) signed by Charters and McClure

Kerouac, Jack. Scattered Poems. Votobia (1995). Translated by Rosprasene Basne; Text in Czech and English

KEROUAC, JACK. Robert Frank: The Americans. Scalo Publishers (1998). Introduction by Jack Kerouac; photographs by Robert Frank; Third Edition

Kerouac, Jack. On The Road. Easton Press, Norwalk, Connecticut (2001). Illustrated with Collage Paintings By Jonathan Talbot

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