Bates, H. E. Two Sisters. Cape, London (1926). 1500 copies. First UK ediition.
Bates, H. E. The Last Bread. A Play in One Act. Labour Publishing Company, London (1926).
Bates, H. E. The Spring Song and in View of the Fact That. E. Archer (1927). 100 numbered copies. Signed. Frontispiece potrait.
Bates, H. E. Seven Tales and Alexander. Scholartis Press (1929). 1000 copies.
Bates, H. E. Letter. Rushden, Northants (1930).
Bates, H. E. A Threshing Day. W and G Foyle, London (1931). 25 copies. Signed, numbered and bound in vellum.
Bates, H. E. A Threshing Day. W and G Foyle, London (1931). 300 copies.
Bates, H. E. Charlotte's Row. Jonathan Cape, London (1931).
Bates, H. E. A German Idyll. Golden Cockerel Press, UK (1932).
Bates, H. E. The Black Boxer. Pharos Editions, London (1932). 100 copies. Numbered and signed by author.
Bates, H. E. The House with the Apricot and Two Other Tales. Golden Cockerel Press, London (1933). 300 copies.
Bates, H. E. The Duet. Grayson and Grayson (1935). 285 copies. Hand-numbered.
Bates, H. E. Flowers and Faces. Engravings by John Nash. Golden Cockerel Press, London (1935). 325 copies. Signed by author.
Bates, H. E. Fawley Achievement. Esso Petroleum, London (1951).
Bates, H. E. The Darling Buds of May. Michael Joseph, London (1958). First UK edition, first printing. 'First published 1958 to the copyright page and no mention of a reprint.