
Garcia Marquez Cabriel One Hundred Years of Solitude

First Edition Prices, Values and Auction Results

We collected a sample of 4 auction results of Garcia Marquez, Cabriel's One Hundred Years of Solitude from 1 different auction houses. The lowest overall price realized in our sample was $62 and the highest overall price realized was $274. The overall average price was $200 and the median price realized for the book was $232. There were 0 auctions (0%) with a price realized below the low estimate, 0 auctions (0%) exceeding the high estimates, and 0 auctions (0%) within the range of the low and high estimates.

Recent Auction Results:

Auction House Auction Date Author Title City Publisher Year Estimate Sale Price Auction Page Copies For Sale
Bonhams June 23, 2010 Garcia Marquez, Cabriel. One Hundred Years of Solitude New York Harper and Row 1970 - $274 Bonhams Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
Bonhams June 16, 2009 Garcia Marquez, Cabriel. One Hundred Years of Solitude London Jonathan Cape 1970 - $224 Bonhams Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
Bonhams February 17, 2008 Garcia Marquez, Cabriel. One Hundred Years of Solitude New York Harper and Row 1970 - $240 Bonhams Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
Bonhams March 14, 2006 Garcia Marquez, Cabriel. One Hundred Years of Solitude London Jonathan Cape 1970 - $62 Bonhams Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert