
Fitzgerald F. Scott The Vegetable or From President to Postman

First Edition Prices, Values and Auction Results

An attractive work because it is the only published play by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Vegetable serves up a farcical romance with political nuances. Becoming President is more than just a passing notion for many and Fitzgerald suggests that it is a respectable desire. Its alternate title, From President to Postman, does not appear on the cover of the first edition but is noted on the title page. Copies are available at auction starting in the $100-$300 range with higher end specimens for $500-800.

We collected a sample of 6 auction results of Fitzgerald, F. Scott's The Vegetable, or From President to Postman from 1 different auction houses. The lowest overall price realized in our sample was $120 and the highest overall price realized was $840. The overall average price was $407 and the median price realized for the book was $333. There were 3 auctions (50%) with a price realized below the low estimate, 2 auctions (33%) exceeding the high estimates, and 1 auctions (17%) within the range of the low and high estimates. Auctions of interest include: a PBA sale on January 15, 2015 of a 1923 - Scribner's edition for $840 that described as "very good in good, restored jacket" ; a PBA sale on April 25, 2002 of a 1923 - Scribner's edition for $660 that described as "near fine in good to very good jacket";

Recent Auction Results:

Auction House Auction Date Author Title City Publisher Year Estimate Sale Price Auction Page Copies For Sale
PBA January 15, 2015 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Vegetable, or From President to Postman New York Scribner's 1923 $400-$600 $840 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA June 2, 2005 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Vegetable, or From President to Postman New York Scribner's 1923 $200-$300 $120 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA June 13, 2002 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Vegetable, or From President to Postman New York Scribner's 1923 $200-$300 $216 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA April 25, 2002 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Vegetable, or From President to Postman New York Scribner's 1923 $700-$1000 $660 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA February 28, 2002 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Vegetable, or From President to Postman New York Scribner's 1923 $200-$300 $156 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA December 6, 2001 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Vegetable, or From President to Postman New York Scribner's 1923 $200-$300 $450 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert