Leger, Fernand Cendrars. La Fin Du Monde. Editions De La Sirene. Paris. (1919). 22 colored pochoir compositions by Leger
Leger, Fernand Goll. Le Nouvel Orphee. Aux Editions De La Sirene (1923).
Leger, Fernand Rolf De Mare. Les Ballets Suedois. Les Ballets Suedois. Paris (1923).
Leger, Fernand Teriade. Fernand Leger. Editions Cahiers D'Art (1928). 800 copies with 93 full plate illustrations
Leger, Fernand Zervos. Cahiers D'Art Exposition Fernand Leger. Editions Cahiers D'Art (1933).
Leger, Fernand. Leger 1937. Pierre Matisse Gallery. New York (1937).
Leger, Fernand. Verve 1. Paris: Verve (1937). four original lithographs, including one each by Miro and Leger
Leger, Fernand. Verve 5/6. Paris: Verve (1939). lithographs by Braque, Matisse, Rouault, Klee, Leger.
Leger, Fernand. Fortune Magazine December 1941. Fortune, Inc. (1941).
Leger, Fernand. View Magazine Fall 1944. View Editions (1944). 3 color cover by Fernand Leger
Leger, Fernand Bazaine. Fernand Leger. Louis Carre Paris (1945). cover is a Leger lithograph
Leger, Fernand. La Forme Humaine Dans L'Espace. Montreal, Les Editions De L'Arbre (1945). Original wraps illustrated by Leger. 38 illustrations
Leger, Fernand Porter. The Happy Rock, A Book About Henry Miller. Bern: Porter (1945). cover drawing of Miller by Ferdnand Leger, and portrait and frontispiece by Abraham Rattner
Leger, Fernand Masson. L'Illustre Thomas Wilson. Bordas Editeur (1947). lithographic frontispiece
Leger, Fernand. Pientures 1911-1948. Les Editions Du Chene Paris (1948).
Leger, Fernand. Cahiers D'Art 24E Annee 1949. Ed. Cahiers D'Art (1949).
Leger, Fernand. Derriere Le Miroir 20-21, L'Art Abstrait. Maeght Editeur (1949). 2 (one double-page) original color lithographs, including the front cover, by Fernand Leger and 3 (one double-page) color lithographs, including the back cover, by Hans Arp
Leger, Fernand. Exposition Retrospective 1905-1949. Musees Nationaux (1949). 4 full page lithographs
Leger, Fernand Cooper. Fernand Leger Et Le Nouvel Espace. Editions Des Trois Collines, Geneve (1949). 8 mounted colour plates, 119 b/w illustrations
Leger, Fernand. Cirque. Edition Verve (1950). 4 original lithographs
Leger, Fernand Jakovsky. La Petite Reine. Paris (Louise) (1950). limited edition of 300
Leger, Fernand. Les Constructeurs. Falaize (1951). original lithograph by Leger
Leger, Fernand Maurois. Mon Ami Leger. Louis Carre (1952). 6 color pochoir plates
Leger, Fernand. Verve 27/28. Paris: Verve (1952). 29 lithographs, including Chagall (3), Miro (3), Matisse (2), Braque (2), Leger (3), Giacometti (2) and others.
Leger, Fernand Tzara. La Face Interieure. Pierre Seghers (1953). lithographic wrappers
Leger, Fernand Descargues. Fernand Leger. Editions Cercle D'Art (1955).
Leger, Fernand Stil. Levers De Rideau Sur La Question Du Bonheur. Les Editeurs Francais Reunis (1955). 4 full page lithographs
Leger, Fernand Parmelin. Cinq Peintres Et Le Theatre. Editions Cercle D'Art (1956). 150 deluxe examples on Arches paper with 4 loose original color lithographs
Leger, Fernand Jakovsky. Le Petit Traite Du Cactus. Paris Vervier (1957). 120 copies
Leger, Fernand Jardot. Dessins Et Gouaches 1909-1955. Monte Carlo/ Andre Sauret/George Braziller (1958). The front cover is a lithograph printed by Mourlot after a 1952 design by Leger
Leger, Fernand Mourlot. Art In Posters. Monte Carlo/ Andre Sauret/George Braziller (1959). The Complete Original Posters of Braque, Chagall, Dufy, Leger, Matisse, Miro, Picasso. Fernand Mourlot. Andre Sauret, Editeur, Monte Carlo, George Braziller, New York
Leger, Fernand Mourlot. Les Affiches Originales Des Maitres De L'Ecole De Paris. Monte-Carlo, Andre Sauret (1959). 102 color lithographs by Mourlot reproducing the original posters by Braque, Chagall, Dufy, Leger, Matisse, Miro and Picasso.
Leger, Fernand. Derriere Le Miroir 121-122 Chagall, Leger, Kandinsky, Miro et al. Maeght Editeur (1960). Original color lithograph by Chagall on cover, 5 other lithographs after Leger, Tal Coat, Miro, Calder. Original litho by Fiedler.
Leger, Fernand Aragon. Mes Voyages. Francais Reunis (1960). 28 original lithographs, 10 in color (3 double-page) by Fernand Leger, printed posthumously by Mourlot
Leger, Fernand Goll. Four Poems Of The Occult. Kentfield, Allen Press (1962). 130 copies
Leger, Fernand Rimbaud. Les Illuminations. Mermod, Lausanne (1962).
Leger, Fernand. Les Illuminations Di Arthur Rimbaud. Mermod, Lausanne (1962).
Leger, Fernand San Lazzaro. Homage To Fernand Leger. Tudor Publishing Co. (1971). With a lithograph designed for the XX Siecle by Leger in 1952
Leger, Fernand. Hommage a Fernand Leger. Xxe Siecle (1971). With one lithograph designed by Leger in 1952
Leger, Fernand. Sa Vie Son Oeuvre Son Reve. Edizioni Apollinaire, Milan (1971). 1150 copies
Leger, Fernand Cassou. Das Graphische Werk. Tubingen, Wasmuth (1972).
Leger, Fernand Cassou. Dessins Et Gouaches. Ed. Du Chene (1972).
Leger, Fernand Cassou. Drawings And Gouaches. New York Graphic Society (1973). 304 reproductions
Leger, Fernand Schmalenbach. Fernand Leger. New York Harry N. Abrams (1976). 125 illustrations
Leger, Fernand Saphire. The Complete Graphic Work. Bue Moon Press (1978). Catalogue raisonne of Fernand Leger's prints and related graphics. 1750 copies
Leger, Fernand. Mes Voyages. Geneva: Edito-Service (1980). lithographs after Leger
Leger, Fernand Blaise. Paris Ma Ville. Bibliotheque Des Art (1987).
Leger, Fernand Bauquier. Fernand Leger: Catalogue Raisonne De L'Oeuvre Peint 1903-1919. Maeght Editeur (1990). 200 illustrations
Leger, Fernand Bauquier. Fernand Leger: Catalogue Raisonne De L'Oeuvre Peint 1925-1928. Maeght Editeur (1993). 160 reproductions
Leger, Fernand Derouet. Fernand Leger 1881-1955. The Tokyo Shimbu (1994).
Leger, Fernand Bauquier. Fernand Leger: Catalogue Raisonne De L'Oeuvre Peint 1929-1931. Maeght Editeur (1995). 250 illustrations
Leger, Fernand Bauquier,. Fernand Leger: Catalogue Raisonne De L'Oeuvre Peint 1938-1943. Maeght Editeur (1998). 180 illustrations