
Farrar Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club A History 1869 1932

First Edition Prices, Values and Auction Results

We collected a sample of 11 auction results of Farrar, Guy B.'s The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 from 1 different auction houses. The lowest overall price realized in our sample was $180 and the highest overall price realized was $2040. The overall average price was $780 and the median price realized for the book was $900. There were 6 auctions (55%) with a price realized below the low estimate, 3 auctions (27%) exceeding the high estimates, and 2 auctions (18%) within the range of the low and high estimates. Auctions of interest include: a PBA sale on August 25, 2011 of a 1933 - Willmer Brothers and Co. edition for $1200 that described as "very good or better"; a PBA sale on February 08, 2007 of a 1933 - Willmer Brothers and Co. edition for $2040 that described as "very good or better"; a PBA sale on July 28, 2005 of a 1933 - Willmer Brothers and Co. edition for $1020 that with an inscription from author;

Recent Auction Results:

Auction House Auction Date Author Title City Publisher Year Estimate Sale Price Auction Page Copies For Sale
PBA September 18, 2016 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $300-$500 $180 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA August 25, 2011 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $2000-$3000 $1200 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA August 20, 2010 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $600-$900 $360 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA February 18, 2010 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $600-$900 $480 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA February 8, 2007 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $1500-$2500 $2040 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA February 8, 2007 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $800-$1200 $480 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA April 13, 2006 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $800-$1200 $900 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA December 1, 2005 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $500-$800 $420 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA July 28, 2005 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $700-$1000 $1020 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA November 6, 2003 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $400-$700 $900 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA November 21, 2002 Farrar, Guy B. The Royal Liverpool Golf Club: A History, 1869-1932 Birkenhead Willmer Brothers and Co. 1933 $300-$500 $600 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert