
Annotated Reference Guide to Collectible Books and Original Prints

Ardizzone, Edward Annotated Bibliography & Selected Collectible Books

Ardizzone, Edward. Little Tim and The Brave Sea Captain. Oxford University Press, New York (1936).

Ardizzone, Edward. Lucy Brown and Mr Grimes. Oxford University Press, New York (1937). First impression

Gorham, Maurice and Ardizzone, Edward. The Local. Cassell and Co, London (1939).

Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Heritage, New York (1939).

Ardizzone, Edward. Nicholas and the Fast Moving Diesel. Eye and Spottiswoode, London (1947).

Lewis, Cecil Day. The Otterbury Incident. Putnam, London (1948).

Scurfield, George. A Stickful of Nonpareil. Cambridge University Press (1956). 500 copies.

Phillips, J.B. St Luke's life of Christ translated into modern English. Collins, London (1956).

Ardizzone, Edward. Original Pen and Ink Artwork forThe Truants. Circa (1965).

Lavin, Mary and Ardizzone, Edward. The Second-Best Children in the World. Longman Young Books, London (1972).

Ardizzone, Edward. Diary of a War Artist. The Bodley Head (1974).

Reeves, James. Arcadian Ballads. Whittington Press, Gloucestershire (1977). 200 copies

Reeves, James. Arcadian Ballads. Whittington Press, Gloucestershire (1977). 50 copies.

Shakespeare, William. The Comedies, the Histories and the Tragedies. Easton Press, Norwalk (1980). 3 volumes.

Ardizzone, Edward. Visiting Dieppe; with an introduction by Lynton Lamb. Warren Editions, London (1981). 175 copies.

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