
Annotated Reference Guide to Collectible Books and Original Prints

Derriere Le Miroir Annotated Bibliography & Selected Collectible Books

The "Behind the Mirror" Review was an art and literary journal published just after the Second World War in Cannes, Paris, simultaneously marking the return of artistic freedoms to the country and the liberation of France. Like its sister publications in France at the time (Lazzaro's Xxe Siecle, de Jour, and the Verve), Derrier Le Miroir sought to present to a much wider audience the works of the up-and-coming Modernist artists, as their work and impact on the art world was beginning to reverberate around the galleries of the world.

Derrier Le Miroir is perhaps one of the most successful of the 'stable' purely for the fact that it published over 200 editions, covering a period between 1946 to the 1980's. During its time it featured Matisse, Miro, Chagall as well as Calder, and Villeri. Of the writers and poets it featured - it exhibited short pieces or poems by Apollinaire, Prevert, Limbour and Bonnefoy. The magazine followed its sisters in printing unique lithographic and woodcut prints for the artists featured in each edition, with the pieces being commissioned especially for Derrier Le Miroir, providing a new outlet for an artist's work. Now, the magazine has become very desirable by dedicated collectors of certain artists, who wish to find every available piece of work from their artist of choice.

Derrier Le Miroir attainted a good reputation in its time as a standard of art journaling, mainly thanks to the hard work ethic of Aime Maeght, a lithographer and art critic whose efforts later went into Maeght Editions, a boutique publishing house. Aime Maeght was born in the northernmost commune of France, near the Belgium border, and after a successful academic career where he excelled, he was forced to flee the oncoming Nazi occupation of France. During the Second World War he operated one of the network of 'free houses' where artists fleeing persecution by the Nazi's (who gave their work the label Degenerate Art') could find solace.

During its career, the art magazine grew from strength to strength, and now has become one of the cornerstones of any collector's stockpile. Editions are readily available, either direct from the Maeght Editions website, or from private galleries and collectors. An original edition, in good condition, may only cost as much as a hundred dollars for a relatively little-known artist - while the rarest edition can cost up to a thousand dollars!

Remember always to shop around when pursuing any editions of this magazine. While the Maeght Editions Publishers will always have an authoritative copy, they may not be able to offer the same competitive prices that a smaller, independent dealer might do.

Derriere Le Miroir 4, Braque. Maeght Editeur (1947). Braque lithograph on front cover

Derriere Le Miroir 14, Miro. Maeght Editeur (1948). 8 color lithographs by Miro

Derriere Le Miroir 20-21, L'Art Abstrait. Maeght Editeur (1949). 2 (one double-page) original color lithographs, including the front cover, by Fernand Leger and 3 (one double-page) color lithographs, including the back cover, by Hans Arp

Derriere Le Miroir 23. Maeght Editeur (1949). Four lithographs by Jean Bazaine

Derriere Le Miroir 25-26 Braque. Maeght Editeur (1950). One lithograph

Derriere Le Miroir 27-28 Chagall. Maeght Editeur (1950). 2 color lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 29-30 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1950). 2 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 44-45 Chagall. Maeght Editeur (1952). 2 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 46-47 Matisse. Maeght Editeur (1952). 9 lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 48-49 Braque. Maeght Editeur (1952). 6 lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 57-58-59 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1953). 12 lithographs by Miro

Derriere Le Miroir 74-76 Ubac. Maeght Editeur (1955). 3 lithographs by Ubac

Derriere Le Miroir 77-78 Kandinsky. Maeght Editeur (1955). 2 lithographs after Kandinsky

Derriere Le Miroir 82-84 Tal Coat. Maeght Editeur (1956). 3 lithographs by Tal Coat

Derriere Le Miroir 85-86 Braque. Maeght Editeur (1956). 4 lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 87-89 Miro/Artigas. Maeght Editeur (1956). 3 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 92-93 10 Ans d'Edition 1946-56 Giacometti/Miro/Chagall. Maeght Editeur (1956). With original double page lithographs by Chagall and Miro, an etching by Miro and Giacometti and a woodcut by Bazaine

Derriere Le Miroir 101-103 Kandinsky. Maeght Editeur (1957).

Derriere Le Miroir 96-97 Bazaine. Maeght Editeur (1957). 7 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 98 Giacometti. Maeght Editeur (1957). 3 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 105-106 Ubac. Maeght Editeur (1958). 9 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 107-109 Miro, Chagall, Giacometti, Tal Coat. Maeght Editeur (1958). Miro, Giacometti, Tal Coat and Chagall lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 112 Tal-Coat, Ubac and Giacometti. Maeght Editeur (1958). Lithographs by Tal-Coat, Ubac, Giacometti, Braque and Miro

Derriere Le Miroir 115 Braque. Maeght Editeur (1959). 9 color lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 117 Miro, Tal-Coat, Braque. Maeght Editeur (1959). Lithographs by Miro, Tal-Coat, and Braque

Derriere Le Miroir 121-122 Chagall, Leger, Kandinsky, Miro et al. Maeght Editeur (1960). Original color lithograph by Chagall on cover, 5 other lithographs after Leger, Tal Coat, Miro, Calder. Original litho by Fiedler.

Derriere Le Miroir 124 Chillida. Maeght Editeur (1961). 4 lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 127 Giacometti. Maeght Editeur (1961). 14 original lithographs by Giacometti

Derriere Le Miroir 128 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1961). 7 full-page original color lithographs by Miro

Derriere Le Miroir 139-140 Miro, Artigas. Maeght Editeur (1963). 6 original lithographs by Joan Miro

Derriere Le Miroir 141 Calder. Maeght Editeur (1963). 8 full-page lithographs by Alexander Calder

Derriere Le Miroir 147 Chagall. Maeght Editeur (1964). 3 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 158 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1964). Original lithographs by Giacometti and Miro plus lithographs after Braque, Chagall, Ubac and Tal Coat

Derriere Le Miroir 150 Cinq Peinters et Un Sculpteur. Maeght Editeur (1965). 8 original lithographs by Capdeville, Grache, Fromanger; lithographs by Arias and Matieu

Derriere Le Miroir 151-52 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1965). 22 original color lithographs, 5 of which are double-page

Derriere Le Miroir 155 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1965). Two original color lithographs by Ubac and Joan Miro; fine screen offset lithography plates by Braque, Bonnard, Kandinsky, Chagall and Miro

Derriere Le Miroir 156 Calder. Maeght Editeur (1966). 7 color lithographs after Calder

Derriere Le Miroir 164-165 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1967). 5 original color lithographs and 5 lithographs after Miro

Derriere Le Miroir 173 Calder. Maeght Editeur (1968). 8 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 175 Tapies. Maeght Editeur (1968). 8 original color lithographs (2 double page, 6 in colors) by Antoni Tapies

Derriere Le Miroir 179 Kandinsky. Maeght Editeur (1969). 5 color lithographs after Kandisky

Derriere Le Miroir 182 Chagall. Maeght Editeur (1969). 2 original lithographs by Chagall

Derriere Le Miroir 186 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1970). 2 original colour lithographs by Joan Miro

Derriere Le Miroir 190 Calder. Maeght Editeur (1971). 4 lithographs by Calder, including the upper wrapper

Derriere Le Miroir 198 Chagall. Maeght Editeur (1972). 3 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 199 Tal Coat. Maeght Editeur (1972). 9 original color lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 201 Calder. Maeght Editeur (1973). five original color lthographs

Derriere Le Miroir 203 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1973). 3 original lithographs

Derriere Le Miroir 221 Calder. Maeght Editeur (1976). 7 original color lithographs by Calder

Derriere Le Miroir 225 Chagall. Maeght Editeur (1977). 1 original color lithograph in double page by Chagall

Derriere Le Miroir 231 Miro. Maeght Editeur (1978). 2 original double-page color lithographs by Joan Miro

Derriere Le Miroir 246 Chagall. Maeght Editeur (1981). 1 original lithograph by Chagall

Derriere Le Miroir 250 Hommage a Aime et Marguerite Maeght. Maeght Editeur (1982). 24 original color lithographs, including Marc Chagall, Joan Miro, Pierre Alechinsky, Jean-Paul Riopelle, Ellsworth Kelly, Antoni Tapies, Eduardo Chillida, and others

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