Bukowski, Charles. 2 Poems. Black Sparrow (1967).
Kelly, Robert. A Joining: A Sequence for H D. Black Sparrow (1967).
Purdy, James. An Oyster is a Wealthy Beast. Black Sparrow (1967).
Duncan, Robert. Epilogos. Black Sparrow (1967).
Loewinsohn, Ron. L'autre. Black Sparrow (1967).
Zukofsky, Louis. Little. Black Sparrow (1967). A Fragment of Careenagers
Loewinsohn, Ron. Lying Together. Black Sparrow (1967). Turning the Head and Shifting the Weight; The Produce District, and Other Places; Moving - A Spring Poem
Forrest, Bernard A. Not Meaning Not To See. Black Sparrow (1967).
Eigner, Larry. The - / Towards Autumn. Black Sparrow (1967).
Bukowski, Charles. The Curtains are Waving. Black Sparrow (1967).
Eigner, Larry. The Towards Autumn. Black Sparrow (1967).
Schwerner, Armand. (if personal). Black Sparrow (1968).
Mac Low, Jackson. 22 Light Poems. Black Sparrow (1968).
Kelly, Robert. A Play and Two Poems. Black Sparrow (1968).
Levertov, Denise. A Tree Telling of Orpheus. Black Sparrow (1968).
Eigner, Larry. Air the Trees. Black Sparrow (1968). Original drawing by Bobbie Creenley
Bukowski, Charles. At Terror Street and Agony Way. Black Sparrow (1968).
Eshleman, Clayton. Cantaloups and Splendor. Black Sparrow (1968).
Antin, David. Code of Flag Behavior. Black Sparrow (1968).
Rothenberg, Jerome. Conversations. Black Sparrow (1968).
Kelly, Robert. Finding the Measure. Black Sparrow (1968).
Wakoski, Diane. Greed Parts One and Two. Black Sparrow (1968).
Dorn, Edward and Jennifer Dunbar. Gunslinger. Black Sparrow (1968). Two volumes
McClure, Michael. Hail Thee Who Play. Black Sparrow (1968).
Purdy, James. Mr. Evening. Black Sparrow (1968). A Short Story and Nine Poems; original drawing by James Purdy
Duncan, Robert. Names of People. Black Sparrow (1968). Illustrated by Jess
Goodman, Paul. North Percy. Black Sparrow (1968).
Creeley, Robert. Pieces. Black Sparrow (1968). Collages by Bobbie Creeley
Bromige, David. Please, Like Me. Black Sparrow (1968). Reproductions of linocuts by Sherril Jaffe
Rothenberg, Jerome. Poems 1964-1967. Black Sparrow (1968).
Koch, Kenneth. Poems from 1952 and 1953. Black Sparrow (1968).
Bowles, Paul. Scenes. Black Sparrow (1968). Woodcut by Henry Shire
Kelly, Robert. Sonnets. Black Sparrow (1968).
Kelly, Robert. Statement. Black Sparrow (1968).
Eigner, Larry. The Breath of Once Live Things in the Field with Poe. Black Sparrow (1968).
Elmslie, Kenward. The Champ. Black Sparrow (1968). Original illustrations by Joe Brainard
Bromige, David. The Ends of the Earth. Black Sparrow (1968).
Creeley, Robert. The Finger. Black Sparrow (1968). Collages by Bobbie Creeley; 50 with an original piece by Bobbie Creeley
Economou, George. The Georgics. Black Sparrow (1968).
Dorn, Edward. The Gunslinger: Book I. Black Sparrow (1968).
Loewinsohn, Ron. The Step. Black Sparrow (1968).
Stepanchev, Stephen. Vietnam. Black Sparrow (1968).
Dorbin, Sanford. A Bibliography of Charles Bukowski. Black Sparrow (1969).
Zukofsky, Celia. A Bibliography of Louis Zukofsky. Black Sparrow (1969).
Levertov, Denise. Embroideries. Black Sparrow (1969).
Ashbery, John. Fragment. Black Sparrow (1969). Illustrations by Alex Katz
Wakoski, Diane. Greed. Black Sparrow (1969). Parts III and IV
Dorn, Edward. Gunslinger. Black Sparrow (1969). Book II
Eshleman, Clayton. Indiana. Black Sparrow (1969). Poems
Dawson, Fielding. Krazy Kat. Black Sparrow (1969). The Unveiling and Other Stories from 1951-1968
Economou, George. Landed Natures. Black Sparrow (1969).
Marlatt, Daphne. Leaf Leaf/s. Black Sparrow (1969).
McClure, Michael. Littles Odes and The Raptors. Black Sparrow (1969). Poems and a Play
Meltzer, David. Round the Poem Box. Black Sparrow (1969). Rustic and Domestic Home Movies for Stan and Jan Brakhage. Original drawing.
Tate, James. Shepherds in the Mist. Black Sparrow (1969).
Koch, Kenneth. Sleeping with Women. Black Sparrow (1969).
Kelly, Robert. The Common Shore. Black Sparrow (1969). Books I-V: A Long Poem About America In Time
Bukowski, Charles. The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills. Black Sparrow (1969). 50 copies with an original painting
Posner, David. The Dialogues. Black Sparrow (1969).
Dawson, Fielding. The Greatest Story Ever Told. Black Sparrow (1969).
Malanga, Gerard. The Last Benedetta. Black Sparrow (1969). Poems
Pacheco, Jose Emilio. Tree Between Two Walls. Black Sparrow (1969).
Koch, Kenneth. When the Sun Tries to Go On. Black Sparrow (1969). Artwork by Larry Rivers
Malanga, Gerard. 10 Poems for 10 Poets. Black Sparrow (1970).
Duncan, Robert. 65 Drawings. Black Sparrow (1970). From One Drawings Book, 1952-1956
Bukowski, Charles. Another Academy. Black Sparrow (1970).
Wakoski, Diane. Black Dream Ditty. Black Sparrow (1970).
Morgenstern, Christian. Gallowsongs. Black Sparrow (1970). Illustrations by Jess Collins
Wright, Morris. Green Grass, Blue Sky, White House. Black Sparrow (1970).
Bukowski, Charles. If We Take. Black Sparrow (1970).
Meltzer, David. Luna. Black Sparrow (1970). 26 copies have an original drawing. Cover art by Wallace Berman
Gangemi, Kenneth. Lydia. Black Sparrow (1970).
Forrest, Bernard. Not All I See Is There. Black Sparrow (1970). Original watercolor by Forrest tipped in
Irby, Kenneth. Relation. Black Sparrow (1970). Poems 1965-1966
McClure, Michael. The Cherub. Black Sparrow (1970). Original frontispiece by McClure
Wakoski, Diane. The Magellanic Clouds. Black Sparrow (1970).
Dawson, Fielding. The Yin and Yang Radio Repair Man. Black Sparrow (1970).
Goodman, Paul. Tragedy and Comedy. Black Sparrow (1970).
Duncan, Robert. Tribunals Passages 31-35. Black Sparrow (1970).
Montale, Eugenio. Xenia. Black Sparrow (1970).
Eshleman, Clayton. Altars. Black Sparrow (1971).
Grossinger, Richard. Book of the Earth and Sky. Black Sparrow (1971). Book I and Book II
Koller, James. California Poems. Black Sparrow (1971).
Sorrentino, Gilbert. Corrosive Sublimate. Black Sparrow (1971).
Kelly, Robert. Flesh Dream Book. Black Sparrow (1971).
Wakoski, Diane. Greed. Black Sparrow (1971). Parts 5-7
Clark, Tom. Green. Black Sparrow (1971).
Wakoski, Diane. On Barbara's Shore. Black Sparrow (1971).
Bukowski, Charles. Post Office. Black Sparrow (1971). 50 copies with an original painting
Stein, Gertrude. Primer for the Gradual Understanding of Gertrude Stein. Black Sparrow (1971).
Creeley, Robert. St Martin's. Black Sparrow (1971). Illustrated by Bobbie Creeley, 50 with an original monoprint
Bromige, David. Threads. Black Sparrow (1971).
Jess,. Translations. Black Sparrow (1971). Illustrated by Jess
Palmer, Michael. Blake's Newton. Black Sparrow (1972).
Blackburn, Paul. Early Selected Y Mas. Black Sparrow (1972). Poems 1949-1966
Ford, Charles Henri. Flag of Ecstasy. Black Sparrow (1972).
Whalen, Philip. Imaginary Speeches for a Brazen Head. Black Sparrow (1972).
Creeley, Robert. Listen. Black Sparrow (1972). Artwork by Bobbie Creeley, 50 with an original color print
Bukowski, Charles. Mockingbird Wish Me Luck. Black Sparrow (1972). Broadside
Kelly, Robert. Ralegh. Black Sparrow (1972).
Clark, Tom. Smack. Black Sparrow (1972).
Wakoski, Diane. Smudging. Black Sparrow (1972).
Dawson, Fielding. The Dream/Thunder Road. Black Sparrow (1972). Original drawing by Dawson
Dawson, Fielding. The Man Who Changed Overnight. Black Sparrow (1972). and Other Stories and Dreams. Illustrated by Fielding
Wakoski, Diane. The Pumpkin Pie. Black Sparrow (1972). or Reassurances Are Always False, Tho We Love Them. Only Physics Counts
Bowles, Paul. The Thicket of Spring. Black Sparrow (1972). Poems 1926-1969
Tyler, Parker. The Will of Eros. Black Sparrow (1972). Selected Poems, 1930-1970
Morris, Wright. War Games. Black Sparrow (1972).
Eshleman, Clayton. Coils. Black Sparrow (1973). Poems
Wakoski, Diane. Dancing on the Grave of a Son of a Bitch. Black Sparrow (1973).
Wakoski, Diane. Greed. Black Sparrow (1973). Parts 8, 9, 11
Shepard, Sam. Hawk Moon. Black Sparrow (1973). A Book of Short Stories, Poems and Monologues
Morris, Wright. Here Is Einbaum. Black Sparrow (1973).
Meltzer, David. Hero/Lil. Black Sparrow (1973). 26 copies with an original illustration by Wallace Berman
Finlay, Ian Hamilton. Honey by the Water. Black Sparrow (1973).
Eshleman, Clayton. Human Wedding. Black Sparrow (1973).
Bukowski, Charles. Love Poem to Marina. Black Sparrow (1973).
Cassavetes, John. Minnie and Moskowitz. Black Sparrow (1973).
Stein, Gertrude. Money. Black Sparrow (1973).
Brainard, Joe. New Work. Black Sparrow (1973). 26 copies with an original Brainard drawing laid in
Hawkins, Bobbie Louise. Own Your Own Body. Black Sparrow (1973).
Stein, Gertrude. Reflections on the Atomic Bomb. Black Sparrow (1973). Volume I of the Previously Uncollected Writings of Gertrude Stein. Edited by Robert Bartlett Haas. 50 copies with a copy of Literally True
Bukowski, Charles. South of No North. Black Sparrow (1973). Stories of the Buried Life
Lawrence, D H. The Escaped Cock. Black Sparrow (1973).
Lawrence, D H. The Hostile Sun. Black Sparrow (1973). The Poetry of D.H. Lawrence
Kelly, Robert. The Mill of Particulars. Black Sparrow (1973). 3 copies with an original drawing.
Bukowski, Charles. While the Music Played. Black Sparrow (1973). Sparrow 5
Wakoski, Diane. Winter Sequences. Black Sparrow (1973).
Wakoski, Diane. Abalone. Black Sparrow (1974).
Clark, Tom. Blue. Black Sparrow (1974).
Bowles, Paul Frederick. Boy Who Set the Fire. Black Sparrow (1974). And Other Stories
Bukowski, Charles. Burning in Water Drowning in Flame. Black Sparrow (1974). Selected Poems 1955-1973
Reznikoff, Charles. By the Well of Living and Seeing. Black Sparrow (1974). New and Selected Poems 1955-1973
Roditi, Edouard. Emperor of Midnight. Black Sparrow (1974). 50 with an etching by Jose Hernandez
Stein, Gertrude. How Writing is Written. Black Sparrow (1974). Previously Uncollected Writings of Gertrude Stein, Volume 2
Malanga, Gerald. Incarnations. Black Sparrow (1974).
Clark, Tom. Junkets on a Sad Planet. Black Sparrow (1974). Scenes from the Life of John Keats
Oates, Joyce Carol. Miracle Play. Black Sparrow (1974).
Oates, Joyce Carol. Plagiarized Materials by Fernandes. Black Sparrow (1974).
McClure, Michael. Rare Angel. Black Sparrow (1974). Writ with Raven's Blood
Palmer, Michael. The Circular Gates. Black Sparrow (1974).
Oates, Joyce Carol. The Hungry Ghosts. Black Sparrow (1974). Seven Allusive Comedies
Dawson, Fielding. The Sun Rises into the Sky. Black Sparrow (1974). And Other Storie, 1952-1966
Eigner, Larry. Things Stirring Together or Far Away. Black Sparrow (1974).
Creeley, Robert. Thirty Things. Black Sparrow (1974). Illustrated by Bobbie Creeley, 50 with an original color print
Bukowski, Charles. Africa, Paris, Greece. Black Sparrow (1975).
Morris, Wright. Cat's Meow. Black Sparrow (1975).
Spicer, Jack. Collected Books of Jack Spicer. Black Sparrow (1975).
Bukowski, Charles. Factotum. Black Sparrow (1975). A Novel
Mrabet, Mohammed. Hadidan Aharam. Black Sparrow (1975). Translated by Paul Bowles
Reznikoff, Charles. Holocaust. Black Sparrow (1975).
Bukowski, Charles. South of No North. Black Sparrow (1975). Stories of the Buried Life. Second Printing.
Morris, Wright. The Cat's Meow. Black Sparrow (1975). Original photograph by Morris
Spicer, Jack. The Collected Books of Jack Spicer. Black Sparrow (1975).
Eshleman, Clayton. The Gull Wall. Black Sparrow (1975).
Blackburn, Paul. The Journals. Black Sparrow (1975).
Kelly, Robert. The Loom. Black Sparrow (1975).
Enslin, Theodore. The Median Flow, Poems 1943-1973. Black Sparrow (1975).
Oates, Joyce Carol. The Seduction. Black Sparrow (1975). And Other Stories
Ashbery, John. The Vermont Notebook. Black Sparrow (1975). Joe Brainard, illustrator. 26 copies with an original signed drawing.
Bukowski, Charles. Art. Black Sparrow (1976). Calligraphy by Roger Marcus
Creeley, Robert. Away. Black Sparrow (1976). Artwork by Bobby Creeley
Bowles, Jane. Feminine Wiles. Black Sparrow (1976). Introduction by Tennessee Williams
Loewinsohn, Ron. Goat Dances. Black Sparrow (1976).
Bowles, Paul. Harmless Poisons, Blameless Sins. Black Sparrow (1976). Drawing by Mohammed Mrabet
Lawrence, D H. Letters to Thomas and Adele Seltzer. Black Sparrow (1976). Original photographic print of Lawrence. Edited by Gerald M. Lacy
Bowles, Paul. Look and Move On. Black Sparrow (1976). Mohammed Mrabet
Reznikoff, Charles. Poems 1918-1936. Black Sparrow (1976). Volume I
Koller, James. Poems for the Blue Sky. Black Sparrow (1976).
Bukowski, Charles. Scarlet. Black Sparrow (1976).
Meltzer, David. Six. Black Sparrow (1976). 26 copies with an original drawing
Tarn, Nathaniel. The House of Leaves. Black Sparrow (1976). 26 copies with an original drawing
Oates, Joyce Carol. Triumph of the Spider Monkey. Black Sparrow (1976).
Wakoski, Diane. Waiting for the King of Spain. Black Sparrow (1976).
Bukowski, Charles. Art. Black Sparrow (1977). New Year's Greeting Volume from
Oates, Joyce Carol. Daisy. Black Sparrow (1977).
Bukowski, Charles. Love is a Dog from Hell. Black Sparrow (1977). Poems 1974-1977. 75 copies with an original oil painting
Woolf, Douglas. On Us. Black Sparrow (1977).
Reznikoff, Charles. Poems 1937-1975. Black Sparrow (1977). Volume II
Oates, Joyce Carol. Season of Peril. Black Sparrow (1977). 60 copies with an original ink drawing by Oates
Crosby, Harry. Shadows of the Sun. Black Sparrow (1977). The Diaries of Harry Crosby
Wakoski, Diane. Spending Christmas with the Man from Receiving at Sears. Black Sparrow (1977).
Malanga, Gerard. Ten Years After. Black Sparrow (1977).
Bowles, Paul. The Big Mirror. Black Sparrow (1977). Mohammed Mrabet
Reznikoff, Charles. The Manner Music. Black Sparrow (1977).
Wakoski, Diane. The Ring. Black Sparrow (1977). 40 copies with an original drawing
Eigner, Larry. The World and Its Streets, Places. Black Sparrow (1977).
Bowles, Paul. Things Gone and Things Still Here. Black Sparrow (1977).
Dawson, Fielding. Two Penny Lane. Black Sparrow (1977). 26 copies with an original drawing
Sorrentino, Gilbert. White Sail. Black Sparrow (1977).
Palmer, Michael. Without Music. Black Sparrow (1977).
Corman, Cid. Word for Word. Black Sparrow (1977). Essays on the Arts of Language
Oates, Joyce Carol. All the Good People I've Left Behind. Black Sparrow (1978). First edition
Corman, Cid. At Their Word. Black Sparrow (1978). Essays on the Arts of Language
Oppen, Mary. Meaning of Life. Black Sparrow (1978). An Autobiography
Oppen, George. Primitive. Black Sparrow (1978).
Guest, Barbara. Seeking Air. Black Sparrow (1978).
Faas, Ekbert. Towards a New American Poetics. Black Sparrow (1978). Essays and Interviews: Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, Gary Snyder, Robert Creeley, Robert Bly, Allen Ginsberg
Everson, William. Veritable Years 1949-1966. Black Sparrow (1978).
Bukowski, Charles. We'll Take Them. Black Sparrow (1978).
Eshleman, Clayton. What She Means. Black Sparrow (1978).
Schuyler, James. What's for Dinner?. Black Sparrow (1978).
Clark, Tom. When Things Get Tough on Easy Street. Black Sparrow (1978). Selected Poems 1963-1978. 26 copies with an original drawing
Bukowski, Charles. Women. Black Sparrow (1978).
Bukowski, Charles. You Kissed Lilly. Black Sparrow (1978). Illustrations by Bukowski; 75 copies with an original signed cover drawing
Bukowski, Charles. A Love Poem. Black Sparrow (1979).
Oates, Joyce Carol. All the Good People I've Left Behind. Black Sparrow (1979).
Bowles, Paul. Collected Stories. Black Sparrow (1979). 1939-1976
Oates, Joyce Carol. Cybele. Black Sparrow (1979).
Bowles, Paul. Five Eyes. Black Sparrow (1979). Boulaich, Abdeslam. Choukri, Mohamed. Layachi, Larbi. Mrabet, Mohammed and Yacoubi, Ahmed.
Kelly, Robert. Kill the Messenger. Black Sparrow (1979). Who Brings Bad News. 50 copies with an original ink drawing
Coleman, Wanda. Mad Dog Black Lady. Black Sparrow (1979).
Bukowski, Charles. Play the Piano Drunk. Black Sparrow (1979). Like A Percussion Instrument Until The Fingers Begin To Bleed A Bit
Owens, Rochelle. The Joe Chronicles. Black Sparrow (1979). Part 2
Jaffe, Sherrill. This Flower Only Blooms Every Hundred Years. Black Sparrow (1979). 26 with an original drawing by Jaffe
Wakoski, Diane. Trophies. Black Sparrow (1979). 50 copies with an original signed watercolor by Wakowski
Fante, John. Ask the Dust. Black Sparrow (1980).
Wakoski, Diane. Cap of Darkness. Black Sparrow (1980). Looking for the King of Spain; Pachelbel's Canon
Olson, Charles. Charles Olson and Robert Creeley: The Complete Correspondence. Black Sparrow (1980). Volumes 1 and 2
Olson, Charles. D H Lawrence and the High Temptation of the Mind. Black Sparrow (1980).
Bowles, Paul. Let It Come Down. Black Sparrow (1980).
Spender, Stephen. Letters to Christopher. Black Sparrow (1980). Edited by Lee Bartlett, Stephen Spender's letters to Christopher Isherwood, 1929-1939, withThe Line of the Branch - two thirties journals
Miller, Henry. Notes on Aaron's Rod. Black Sparrow (1980). And Other Notes from the Paris Notebooks
Bukowski, Charles. Post Office. Black Sparrow (1980).
Bartlett, Lee. Stephen Spender: Letters to Christopher. Black Sparrow (1980).
Faas, Ekbert. Ted Hughes: The Unaccommodated Universe. Black Sparrow (1980). With Selected Critical Writings by Ted Hughes and Two Interviews
Bowles, Paul. The Beach Cafe and the Voice. Black Sparrow (1980). Mohammed Mrabet
Spicer, Jack. The Collected Books of Jack Spicer. Black Sparrow (1980). Later printing
Goodman, Paul. The Collected Stories. Black Sparrow (1980). 1932-1960
Bukowski, Charles. The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses over the Hills. Black Sparrow (1980).
Goodman, Paul. The Galley to Mytilene. Black Sparrow (1980). Stories 1949-1960
Clark, Tom. The Last Gas Station and Other Stories. Black Sparrow (1980).
Everson, William. The Masks of Drought. Black Sparrow (1980).
Miller, Henry. World of Lawrence. Black Sparrow (1980). A Passionate Appreciation
Morrow, Bradford. A Bibliography of the Black Sparrow Press. Black Sparrow (1981). 1966-1978
Lewis, Wyndham. Apes of God. Black Sparrow (1981).
Lewis, Wyndham. Blast. Black Sparrow (1981). Blast 1, Blast 2, Blast 3
Creeley, Robert. Charles Olson and Robert Creeley: The Complete Correspondence. Black Sparrow (1981). Volumes 3 and 4
Bukowski, Charles. Dangling in the Tournefortia. Black Sparrow (1981).
Eshleman, Clayton. Hades in Manganese. Black Sparrow (1981).
Bowles, Paul. Midnight Mass. Black Sparrow (1981).
Bowles, Paul. Next to Nothing. Black Sparrow (1981). Collected Poem 1926-1977
Cossery, Albert. Proud Beggars. Black Sparrow (1981).
Lewis, Wyndham. Sea-Mists of the Winter. Black Sparrow (1981).
Sorrentino, Gilbert. Selected Poems 1958-1980. Black Sparrow (1981).
Kelly, Robert. Spiritual Exercises. Black Sparrow (1981).
Lewis, Wyndham. The Apes of God. Black Sparrow (1981).
Lewis, Wyndham. The Sea-Mists of the Winter. Black Sparrow (1981).
Dawson, Fielding. Three Penny Lane. Black Sparrow (1981). 26 copies with an original drawing
Roditi, Edouard. Thrice Chosen. Black Sparrow (1981). 50 copies with an original etching by Mordecai Morch
Sanford, John. A Man Without Shoes. Black Sparrow (1982).
Everson, William. Birth of a Poet. Black Sparrow (1982). The Santa Cruz Meditations
Fante, John. Dreams from Bunker Hill. Black Sparrow (1982).
Bukowski, Charles. Ham on Rye. Black Sparrow (1982). 100 copies with an original oil painting by Bukowski
Bukowski, Charles. Horsemeat. Black Sparrow (1982). Photographs by Michael Montfort
Dawson, Fielding. Krazy Kat and 76 More. Black Sparrow (1982). Collected Stories 1950-1976. 26 copies with an original drawing.
Wakoski, Diane. Magician's Feastletters. Black Sparrow (1982).
Bowles, Paul. Spider's House. Black Sparrow (1982).
Lewis, Wyndham. The Complete Wild Body. Black Sparrow (1982). Illustrated by Bernard Windham
Bukowski, Charles. The Last Generation. Black Sparrow (1982).
Bukowski, Charles. Bring Me Your Love. Black Sparrow (1983). Illustrated by R. Crumb
Bukowski, Charles. Hot Water Music. Black Sparrow (1983). Short Stories. 100 copies with an original oil painting by Bukowski
Coleman, Wanda. Imagoes. Black Sparrow (1983).
Lewis, Wyndham. Journey into Barbary. Black Sparrow (1983). Morocco Writings and Drawings
Bukowski, Charles. Sparks. Black Sparrow (1983). New Years Greeting from
Malanga, Gerard. This Will Kill That. Black Sparrow (1983).
Kelly, Robert. Under Words. Black Sparrow (1983). 50 copies with an original painting by Kelly
Fante, John. Wait Until Spring, Bandini. Black Sparrow (1983).
Duncan, Robert. Young Robert Duncan. Black Sparrow (1983). Portrait of the Poet as a Young Homosexual in Society
Cooney, Seamus. Blast 3. Black Sparrow (1984). Plates of paintings by Wyndham Lewis
Bukowski, Charles. One for the Old Boy. Black Sparrow (1984). New Year's Greeting for the friends of the
Clark, Tom. Paradise Resisted. Black Sparrow (1984). Selected Poems 1978-1984
Lewis, Wyndham. Rude Assignment: An Intellectual Autobiography. Black Sparrow (1984).
Lewis, Wyndham. Snooty Baronet. Black Sparrow (1984). Illustrated by Wyndham Lewis
Bukowski, Charles. Talking to My Mailbox. Black Sparrow (1984). Broadside poem
Wakoski, Diane. The Collected Greed. Black Sparrow (1984). Parts 1-13
Owens, Rochelle. The Joe 82 Creation Poems. Black Sparrow (1984).
Meltzer, David. The Name. Black Sparrow (1984). Selected Poetry: 1973-1983; with an original drawing by Meltzer
Sanford, John. The Winters of that Country: Tales of the Man Made Seasons. Black Sparrow (1984).
Bukowski, Charles. There's No Business. Black Sparrow (1984). Illustrated by R. Crumb
Bukowski, Charles. War All the Time. Black Sparrow (1984). Poems 1981-1984; 16 copies with an original painting
Fante, John. 1933 Was a Bad Year. Black Sparrow (1985).
Ruppersberg, Allen. Allen Ruppersberg: The Secret of Life and Death. Black Sparrow (1985). Volume I, 1969-1984
Bukowski, Charles. Alone in a Time of Armies. Black Sparrow (1985).
Lewis, Wyndham. Blast 3 / With Record. Black Sparrow (1985).
Browning, Jeffrey. John Register. Black Sparrow (1985). 39 illustrations
Oppenheimer, Joel. New Spaces. Black Sparrow (1985).
Bowles, Jane. Out in the World: Selected Letters 1935-1970. Black Sparrow (1985).
Sanford, John. Scenes from the Life of an American Jew. Black Sparrow (1985). Volume 1: The Color of the Air
Fante, John. The Road to Los Angeles. Black Sparrow (1985).
Ruppersberg, Allen. The Secret of Life and Death. Black Sparrow (1985). Volume I: 1969-1984; Museum of Contemporary Art
Fante, John. The Wine of Youth. Black Sparrow (1985). Selected Stories of John Fante; A Kidnaping in the Family; First Communion; Altar Boy; Big Leaguer; My Mother's Goofy Song; A Wife for Dino Rossi; The Road to Hell; One of Us; The Odyssey of a Wop; Home Sweet Home; The Wrath of God; Hail Mary; A Nun No More
Dawson, Fielding. Virginia Dare, Stories 1976-1981. Black Sparrow (1985). 26 copies with an original drawing
Layachi, Larbi. Yesterday and Today. Black Sparrow (1985).
Bowles, Paul. Collected Stories. Black Sparrow (1986). 1939-1976
Bukowski, Charles. Gold in Your Eye. Black Sparrow (1986).
Wieners, John. John Wieners: Selected Poems. Black Sparrow (1986). 1958-1984
Miller, Jeffrey. Paul Bowles. Black Sparrow (1986). A Descriptive Bibliography with 28 cover illustrations
Wakoski, Diane. Rings of Saturn. Black Sparrow (1986).
Bertholf, Robert. Robert Duncan A Descriptive Bibliography. Black Sparrow (1986). frontispiece and illustrations of Duncan publications
Sanford, John. Scenes from the Life of an American Jew. Black Sparrow (1986). Volume 2, The Waters of Darkness
Eshleman, Clayton. The Name Encanyoned River. Black Sparrow (1986). Selected Poems 1960-1985. Certain copies issued with an original drawing.
Wakoski, Diane. The Ring of Saturn. Black Sparrow (1986).
Fante, John. West of Rome. Black Sparrow (1986). Two Novellas
Bukowski, Charles. You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense. Black Sparrow (1986).
Coleman, Wanda. A War of the Eyes and Other Stories. Black Sparrow (1987).
Creeley, Olson. Charles Olson and Robert Creeley: The Complete Correspondence. Black Sparrow (1987).
Coleman, Wanda. Heavy Daughter Blues. Black Sparrow (1987). Poems and Stories 1968-1986
Bukowski, Charles. Luck. Black Sparrow (1987).
Lawrence, D H. Memoirs of Maurice Magnus. Black Sparrow (1987).
Lewis, Wyndham. Men Without Art. Black Sparrow (1987).
Kelly, Robert. Not This Island Music. Black Sparrow (1987).
Sanford, John. Scenes from the Life of an American Jew. Black Sparrow (1987). Volume 3, A Very Good Land to Fall With
Hartley, Marsden. The Collected Poems of Marsden Hartley. Black Sparrow (1987). 1904-1943
Bukowski, Charles. The Movie: Barfly. Black Sparrow (1987). An Original Screenplay By Charles Bukowski for a Film By Barbet Schroeder; photographs by Michael Montford and Andrew Cooper
Coleman, Wanda. A War of Eyes. Black Sparrow (1988). And Other Stories
Wieners, John. Cultural Affairs in Boston. Black Sparrow (1988). Poetry and Prose 1956-1985
Fante, John. Full of Life. Black Sparrow (1988).
Chester, Laura. In the Zone. Black Sparrow (1988).
Fante, John. The Brotherhood of the Grape. Black Sparrow (1988).
Bukowski, Charles. The Movie Critics. Black Sparrow (1988).
Bukowski, Charles. The Roominghouse Madrigals. Black Sparrow (1988). Early Selected Poems 1946-1966. 150 copies with an original signed print by Bukowski
Olson, Charles. A Nation of Nothing But Poetry. Black Sparrow (1989). Supplementary Poems
Bowles, Paul. Collected Stories. Black Sparrow (1989). 1939-1976
Lewis, Wyndham. Creatures of Habit and Creatures of Change. Black Sparrow (1989). Essays on Art, Literature and Society 1914-1956
Bukowski, Charles. Hollywood. Black Sparrow (1989). 26 copies with an original silkscreen print
Bukowski, Charles. If You Let Them Kill You, They Will. Black Sparrow (1989).
Callis, Jo Ann. Jo Ann Callis: Objects of Reverie. Black Sparrow (1989). Des Moines Art Center photographic exhibition catalogue
Fante, John. John Fante and H L Mencken: A Personal Correspondence 1930-1952. Black Sparrow (1989).
Jaffe, Sherril. Scars Make Your Body More Interesting. Black Sparrow (1989). And Other Stories; 26 copies with an original color illustration by Jaffe
Sanford, John. Scenes from the Life of an American Jew. Black Sparrow (1989). Volume 4, A Walk in the Fire
Lewis, Wyndham. The Art of Being Ruled. Black Sparrow (1989).
, Edward. Abhorrences. Black Sparrow (1990).
Coleman, Wanda. African Sleeping Sickness. Black Sparrow (1990). Stories and Poems
Crumbs, Robert. Comics. Black Sparrow (1990). The Story of My Life. Ya Gotta Love 'em I'm Greatful! I'm Greatful!
Wakoski, Diane. Emerald Ice. Black Sparrow (1990). Selected Poems 1962-1987
Chester, Alfred. Head of a Sad Angel. Black Sparrow (1990). Stories 1953-1966
Berlin, Lucia. Homesick. Black Sparrow (1990). New and Selected Stories
Fante, John. Prologue to Ask the Dust. Black Sparrow (1990). Second Printing with etchings
Crumb, R. R Crumb Comics. Black Sparrow (1990).
Bukowski, Charles. Septuagenarian Stew. Black Sparrow (1990). Stories and Poems. Certain copies with a silkscreen by Bukowski
Lewis, Wyndham. Tarr: The 1918 Version. Black Sparrow (1990).
Everson, William. The Engendering Flood. Black Sparrow (1990). Book One of Dust Shall Be the Serpent's Food (Cantos I-IV). Linocut by Tom Killion and Peter Thomas
Bukowski, Charles. We Ain't Got No Money, Honey, But We Got Rain. Black Sparrow (1990).
Purdy, James. 63: Dream Palace. Black Sparrow (1991). Selected Stories 1956-1987. Certain copies with an original drawing.
Dorn, Edward. By the Sound. Black Sparrow (1991).
Cherkovski, Neeli. HANK the Life of Charles Bukowski. Black Sparrow (1991).
Bukowski, Charles. In the Morning and at Night and in Between. Black Sparrow (1991).
Bukowski, Charles. In the Shadow of the Rose. Black Sparrow (1991).
Loy, Mina. Insel. Black Sparrow (1991).
Sanford, John. Scenes from the Life of an American Jew. Black Sparrow (1991). Volume 5, The Season, It Was Winter
Dawson, Fielding. The Trick. Black Sparrow (1991). New Stories with collages by Dawson; 26 with an original drawing
Malanga, Gerard. Three Diamonds. Black Sparrow (1991). 26 with a signed photograph by Malanga
Frank, Thaisa. A Brief History of Camouflage. Black Sparrow (1992).
Dreiser, Theodore. Fulfilment and Other Tales of Women and Men. Black Sparrow (1992).
Bukowski, Charles. Last Night of the Earth Poems. Black Sparrow (1992). Certain copies with an original silkscreen print
Chester, Alfred. Looking for Genet. Black Sparrow (1992). Literary Essays and Reviews
Bukowski, Charles. Now. Black Sparrow (1992).
Bukowski, Charles. Three by Bukowski. Black Sparrow (1992).
Coleman, Wanda. Hand Dance. Black Sparrow (1993).
Coleman, Edward. Hymn to the Rebel Cafe. Black Sparrow (1993).
Bukowski, Charles. Run with the Hunted. Black Sparrow (1993). A Charles Bukowski Reader Edited by John Martin
Bukowski, Charles. Screams from the Balcony. Black Sparrow (1993). Selected Letters 1960-1970; 326 with an original silkscreen
Berlin, Lucia. So Long. Black Sparrow (1993). Stories 1987-1992
Bukowski, Charles. Those Marvelous Lunches. Black Sparrow (1993).
Morris, Wright. Three Easy Pieces. Black Sparrow (1993).
Lewis, Wyndham. Time and Western Man. Black Sparrow (1993).
Dorn, Edward. Way West Stories. Black Sparrow (1993). Essays and Verse Accounts: 1963-1993
Morris, Wright. Writing My Life. Black Sparrow (1993). An Autobiography
Harrison, Russell. Against the American Dream. Black Sparrow (1994). Essays on Charles Bukowski
Bukowski, Charles. Between the Earthquake, the Volcano, and the Leopard. Black Sparrow (1994).
Myles, Eileen. Chelsea Girls. Black Sparrow (1994).
Clark, Tom. Junkets on a Sad Planet. Black Sparrow (1994). Scenes from the Life of John Keats, with an original sketch by Tom Clark
Bukowski, Charles. Pulp. Black Sparrow (1994). 326 copies with an original silkscreen
Lewis, Wyndham. The Enemy A Review of Art and Literature. Black Sparrow (1994). Numbers 1-3
Morris, Wright. Two for the Road. Black Sparrow (1994).
Bukowski, Charles. You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense. Black Sparrow (1994). Later printing
Bukowski, Charles. Confession of a Coward. Black Sparrow (1995).
Bukowski, Charles. Heat Wave. Black Sparrow (1995). 170 copies include original color serigraphs by Ken Price
Clark, Tom. Like Real People. Black Sparrow (1995). 26 with an original drawing by Clark
Bukowski, Charles. Living on Luck. Black Sparrow (1995). Selected Letters 1960-1970 (Volume 2). 200 copies with a silkscreen by Bukowski
Myles, Eileen. Maxfield Parrish: Early and New Poems. Black Sparrow (1995).
Bukowski, Charles. Shakespeare Never Did This. Black Sparrow (1995). 326 copies with an original photographic print of Bukowski by Michael Montfort
Morris, Wright. The Loneliness of the Long Distance Writer. Black Sparrow (1995).
Dawson, Fielding. The Orange in the Orange. Black Sparrow (1995). A Novella and Two Stories. Photos and collages by Dawson
Codrescu, Andrei. Alien Candor. Black Sparrow (1996). Selected Poems 1970-1995
Bukowski, Charles. Betting on the Muse. Black Sparrow (1996). Poems and Stories
Woolf, Douglas. Fade Out. Black Sparrow (1996).
Yau, John. Forbidden Entries. Black Sparrow (1996). Poems
Malanga, Gerard. Mythologies of the Heart. Black Sparrow (1996). With an original signed photograph
Coleman, Wanda. Native in a Strange Land. Black Sparrow (1996).
Everson, William. Prodigious Thrust. Black Sparrow (1996).
Blaser, Robin. The Collected Works of Jack Spicer. Black Sparrow (1996).
Olson, Charles and Robert Creeley. The Complete Correspondence. Black Sparrow (1996). Ten volumes total
Bukowski, Charles. The Laughing Heart. Black Sparrow (1996).
Bukowski, Charles. A New War. Black Sparrow (1997).
Bukowski, Charles. Bone Palace Ballet. Black Sparrow (1997). New Poems; 400 copies with a color serigraph by Bukowski
Everson, William. The Collected Poems. Black Sparrow (1997). Volume 1: The Residual Years, Poems 1934-1948
Field, Edward. A Frieze for a Temple of Love. Black Sparrow (1998).
Coleman, Wanda. Bathwater Wine. Black Sparrow (1998). 20 copies with an original drawing
Dreiser, Theodore. Dawn: An Autobiography of Early Youth. Black Sparrow (1998).
Saroyan, Aram. Day and Night: Bolinas Poems. Black Sparrow (1998). 20 copies with an original drawing
Bukowski, Charles. The Captain Is Out to Lunch and the Sailors Have Taken Over the Ship. Black Sparrow (1998). 400 copies with an original color serigraphs by Robert Crumb
Bukowski, Charles. To Lean Back Into It. Black Sparrow (1998).
Lifshin, Lyn. Before It's Light. Black Sparrow (1999). New Poems
Bukowski, Charles. Reach for the Sun. Black Sparrow (1999). Selected Letters 1978-1994; 376 with an original serigraph by Charles Bukowski
Bukowski, Charles. What Matters Most Is How Well You Walk Through the Fire. Black Sparrow (1999). 327 copies with a seriograph
Sanders, Edward. America: A History in Verse. Black Sparrow (2000). Volume1: 1900-1939; Volume 2:1940-1961
Everson, William (Brother Antoninus). Collected Poems. Black Sparrow (2000). Volume 3: The Integral Years, Poem 1949-1966
Bukowski, Charles. Open All Night. Black Sparrow (2000). New Poems; 400 copies with a serigraph by Bukowski
Bukowski, Charles. Popcorn in the Dark. Black Sparrow (2000). A New Year's Greeting from
Fante, John. The Big Hunger. Black Sparrow (2000). Stories 1932-1959
Clark, Tom. The Spell: A Romance. Black Sparrow (2000). 22 copies with an original drawing by Clark
Codrescu, Andrei. Thus Spake the Corpse. Black Sparrow (2000). An Exquisite Corpse Reader 1988-1998
Codrescu, Andrei. An Involuntary Genius in America's Shoes. Black Sparrow (2001). The Correspondence of Charles Bukowski and Sheri Martinelli 1960-1967
Bukowski, Charles. Beerspit Night and Cursing. Black Sparrow (2001). 526 copies with a Bukowski serigraph
Bukowski, Charles. The Night Torn Mad with Footsteps. Black Sparrow (2001). New Poems; 500 copies with a Bukowski serigraph
Reznikoff, Charles. Testimony: The United States (1885-1915) Recitative. Black Sparrow (). Volume II