One of the giants in the field of private presses, to those in the know is the Anthoenson Press of Maine. Originally called the Southworth Press, Anthoenson started as an evangelical effort on the part of a Rev. Southworth in 1875 to distribute religious tracts and pamphlets to the presumed licentious and profligate sailors of the northern seas. It is to this press that Danish Born Fred Anthoenson apprenticed, and later took over, expanding its operations and renaming the endeavor the Anthoenson Press.
In later years Fred Anthoenson ran the original linotype machines (which were considered the cutting edge of technology for their times) to provide a wide range of services for both the fiction-genre community and the academic. They were in particular chosen to represent the Peabody Museum, the Boston Athanaeum, the Limited Editions Club as well as providing many of the private-print catalogs and directories for museum and library services up and down the country. It is perhaps for this last fact that it is still thought of fondly by archivists and collectors to this day.
However, change comes to us all, and to Anthoenson Press it came in the form of a fire in the late 1980's, when we saw many of its rare catalog destroyed. Already feeling pressured by the newer electronic and digital printing endeavors, Anthoenson finally closed their doors after a successful career.
If considering collecting this fine press, then the most desirable editions probably remain to this day to be the Limited Editions Club, who reprinted some of the great authors such as Borges, Forster, Poe, Bissell in their own slipcases and with specially redesigned covers. First Editions in excellent condition dating to just as late as the 1970's and beyond can all fetch at least $700 at auction.
Hanes, Clarence. Flora of Kalamazoo County Michigan. Anthoensen (1947). Vascular Plants
Fisch, M H. Nicolaus Pol Doctor 1494. Anthoensen (1947).
Oppenheimer, J. Roberts. Physics in the Contemporary World. Anthoensen (1947). Second Annual Arthur Dehon Little Memorial Lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 25, 1947.
Ridgley, Mabel Lloyd. The Ridgelys of Delaware and Their Circle. Anthoensen (1948). What Befell Them in Colonial and Federal Times: Letters, 1751-1890
Colman, Addie Cushing. Captain Moses Rich Colman Master Mariner. Anthoensen (1949). Master Mariner. Scituate, Massachusetts, 1807-1872. Letters of a Yankee Clipper Ship Captain
Perkins, Charles Elliott. Family Letters and Reminiscences. Anthoensen (1949). 1865-1907
Ayer, Hannah Palfrey. Legacy of New England. Anthoensen (1950). Letters of the Palfrey Family
Pertwee, Roland. The River God. Anthoensen (1951).
,. A Tribute to Fred Anthoensen Master Printer. Anthoensen (1952).
,. Americana Beginnings. Anthoensen (1952). Selection from the Library of Thomas W. Streeter
Quinby, Jane. Beatrix Potter. Anthoensen (1954). A Bibliographical Checklist
Goff, Frederick R. Essays Honoring Lawrence C Roth. Anthoensen (1954).
Brayton, Alice. George Berkeley in Newport. Anthoensen (1954).
Davis, Walter Goodwin. The Ancestry of Sarah Hildreth. Anthoensen (1958).
Strater, Henry. Twenty Four Drawings. Anthoensen (1958).
Korn, Bernard Wallace. Benjamin Levy: New Orleans Printer and Publisher. Anthoensen (1961). With a Bibliography of Benjamin Levy Imprints 1817-1841
Schubert, Leland. A Bibliography of the Rowfant Club. Anthoensen (1962). by Leland Schubert Fellowe of the Rowfant Club
Davis, Walter Goodwin. The Ancestry of Abel Lunt 1769 1806. Anthoensen (1963).
Roy, Thomas Sherrard. Dare We Be Masons. Anthoensen (1966). And Other Addresses
Whitehill, Walter Muir. Fred Anthoensen, A Lecture. Anthoensen (1966).
Thoreau, Henry D. Cape Cod. Anthoensen (1968). Illustrations by R J Holden
Walpole Society,. The Walpole Society Note Book. Anthoensen (1972).
Hitchings, Sinclair. By Design. Anthoensen (1981). Notes on Twenty Years on Work in the Print Collections of the Boston Pubic Library
Sassoon, Siegfried. Memoirs of an Infantry Officer. Anthoensen (1981). Illustrated by Paul Hogarth
Walpole Society,. The Walpole Society Note Book. Anthoensen (1981).
Borges, Jorge Luis. Ficciones. Anthoensen (1984).
Hidy, Lance. Children Ask the World of Us. Anthoensen (1985).
Poe, Edgar Allan. The Fall of the House of Usher. Anthoensen (1985). Illustrated by Alice Neel
O'Brien, Frances M. A Backward Look: 50 Years of Maine Books and Bookmen. Anthoensen (1986).
Roberts, Kenneth. Don't Say That About Maine. Anthoensen (1986).
O'Brien, Francis. Francis M O'Brien, A Backward Look. Anthoensen (1986). 50 Years of Maine Books and Bookmen
Snow, Ralph L. Bath Iron Works. Anthoensen (1987). The First Hundred Years
,. L.L. Bean Inc. Outdoors Sporting Specialties. Anthoensen (1987). A Company Scrapbook