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Grisham, John:. Die Firma. Roman. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Christel Wiemken. Mit Ankündigung von "Die Jury". - (=Heyne-Bücher : 01, Heyne allgemeine Reihe ; Band 10381).. München, Heyne Verlag, 1993.

Price: US$3.08 + shipping

Condition: Very Good

Description: 558 (2) Seiten. 18 cm. Umschlaggestaltung: Atelier Ingrid Schütz. Guter Zustand. Etwas ist faul an der exklusiven Kanzlei, der Mitch McDeere sich verschrieben hat. Der hochbegabte junge Anwalt wird auf Schritt und Tritt beschattet, er ist umgeben von tödlichen Geheimnissen. Als er dann noch vom FBI unter Druck gesetzt wird, erweist sich der Traumjob endgültig als Albtraum. - Aus wikipedia-John_Grisham: John Ray Grisham Jr. (* 8. Februar 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA) ist ein US-amerikanischer Rechtsanwalt und Autor von Justizthrillern und Kriminalromanen. Biografie: John Grisham wurde am 8. Februar 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas, geboren. Sein Vater war ein Bauarbeiter, seine Mutter Hausfrau. Er hat vier Geschwister. Als Kind träumte John Grisham davon, professionell Baseball zu spielen. Als er erkannte, dass seine Fähigkeiten dazu nicht reichen würden, begann er an der Mississippi State University das Studium des Rechnungswesens, anschließend studierte er Rechtswissenschaft an der University of Mississippi. Er beendete 1981 sein Jurastudium und praktizierte danach fast ein ganzes Jahrzehnt als Anwalt in Southaven. Er spezialisierte sich auf Strafverteidigung und auf Prozesse mit Körperverletzung. 1983 wurde er als Kandidat der Demokratischen Partei in das Parlament des Staates Mississippi gewählt. Nachdem Grisham im Gericht von DeSoto County der Zeugenaussage eines minderjährigen Vergewaltigungsopfers beigewohnt hatte, begann er, einen Roman darüber zu schreiben, was passiert wäre, wenn der Vater des Mädchens ihre Angreifer ermordet hätte. Grisham stand jeden Tag um 2 Uhr auf, um mehrere Stunden zu schreiben, bevor er zur Arbeit ging. So brauchte er drei Jahre, um 1988 Die Jury (A Time to Kill) fertig zu stellen. Sein Manuskript, zunächst von mehr als zwei Dutzend Verlagen abgewiesen, wurde schließlich von Wynwood press gekauft und erschien im Juni 1988 in einer bescheidenen Auflage von 5000 Exemplaren. Am Tag, als Grisham die Arbeit an Die Jury beendet hatte, begann er mit seinem zweiten Roman: Dieser schildert die Geschichte eines vielversprechenden jungen Anwalts, der von einer scheinbar perfekten Kanzlei, die aber nicht das ist, was sie zu sein scheint, eingestellt wird. Als John Grisham die Filmrechte zu Die Firma (The Firm) für 600.000 US-Dollar an Paramount Pictures verkaufte, wurde er plötzlich heißbegehrt unter den Verlegern, und Doubleday kaufte die Verlagsrechte. Nach 47 Wochen auf der Bestsellerliste der New York Times wurde Die Firma der meistverkaufte Roman im Jahr 1991. Im Frühjahr 1991 gab er seinen Beruf als Anwalt und seine politischen Ämter auf, um nur noch als Schriftsteller zu arbeiten. Die Tätigkeit als Rechtsanwalt hatte Grisham ohnehin nicht gefallen: „For lawyers, the main dream of escape is [to] get out of the profession. They dream about a big settlement, a home run, so that they can use the money to do something else." Er selbst habe auch so gefühlt: „I found myself representing people I didn’t really like in cases that were boring." Die Erfolge von Die Akte (The Pelican Brief), welcher Platz 1 der New-York-Times-Bestsellerliste erreichte und Der Klient (The Client), welcher auf Platz 1 debütierte, bestätigten John Grishams Ruf als Meister des modernen Justizthrillers. Sein Erfolg sorgte dafür, dass Die Jury, nochmals veröffentlicht, schließlich doch noch ein Bestseller wurde. „He averaged one a year" schreibt Grisham im Pelican Brief (Die Akte) über die Auftragsfrequenz eines Berufsmörders.[4] Die Aussage beschreibt zugleich die Veröffentlichungsfrequenz des Autors selbst. Seit John Grisham 1988 Die Jury veröffentlichte, hat er jedes Jahr ein Buch geschrieben. Alle wurden Bestseller, so dass ihn Publishers Weekly im Januar 1998 den „meistgekauften Romancier der 90er-Jahre" nannte. Gegenwärtig (Stand: 2008) wurden über 250 Millionen John-Grisham-Bücher gedruckt und in 38 Sprachen übersetzt. Zehn davon wurden verfilmt. Daneben schrieb Grisham noch das Drehbuch zu Mickey, einem Baseballfilm, und der Film The Gingerbread Man basiert auf einer seiner Kurzgeschichten. 1996 kehrte Grisham in den Gerichtssaal zurück und erstritt für seine Mandanten Schadensersatz in Höhe von 683.500 US-Dollar – der höchste Urteilsspruch seiner anwaltlichen Karriere. Grisham schrieb nicht nur Justiz-Thriller, sondern auch 2001 Die Farm, 2002 Das Fest und 2003 Der Coach. Mit seinem 2006 erschienenen Werk Der Gefangene wagte er sich erstmals an ein Sachbuch, indem es ihm um die getreue Schilderung eines tatsächlichen Justizskandals geht. Von seinen bislang 20 Romanen wurden bereits zehn verfilmt. Grisham ist einer der wenigen englisch-sprachigen Autoren der 1990er Jahre, der seine Bücher auf tatsächlichen Begebenheiten in anderen Ländern (Mexiko, Südafrika, ) aufbaut. Grisham, ein strenggläubiger Baptist, lebt zusammen mit seiner Frau Renée und den beiden Kindern Ty und Shea auf einer Farm in Oxford, Mississippi und einer Plantage in der Nähe von Charlottesville, Virginia. Er ist dem Baseball, seiner jugendlichen Leidenschaft, treu geblieben: Grisham fungiert als Beauftragter der lokalen Baseballnachwuchsliga. Die sechs Spielfelder, die er auf seinem Grundstück errichten ließ, dienen jetzt 350 Kindern in 26 Nachwuchsteams als Trainingsgelände. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 470 Taschenbuch. Kartoniert. Laminiert. Glanzfolienkaschierung.

Seller: BOUQUINIST, München, BY, Germany

Grisham, John:. Die Akte. Roman. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Christel Wiemken. Originaltitel: The Pelican Brief.. Hamburg, Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, 1993.

Price: US$5.51 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: 475 (5) Seiten. 21,4 cm. Schutzumschlaggestaltung: Lo Breier unter Verwendung eines Fotos von Fred Dott. Sehr guter Zustand. Frisches Exemplar. Wie ungelesen. Kopfschnitt leicht fleckig. Innerhalb weniger Stunden werden zwei Bundesrichter in Washington ermordet. Die Öffentlichkeit ist entsetzt, doch das FBI steht dem Fall völlig hilflos gegenüber. Nur die Jurastudentin Darby Shaw ist sich sicher, den Grund für die beiden Verbrechen zu kennen. Und die Unterwelt scheint die junge Frau zu fürchten, nur mit Glück entgeht sie einem Bombenanschlag. Darby versteckt sich, keiner weiß, wo sie sich aufhält. Nur zu dem Reporter Gray Grantham hat sie Vertrauen, er wird ihr helfen, an den richtigen Stellen Gehör zu finden. - John Ray Grisham Jr. (* 8. Februar 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA) ist ein US-amerikanischer Rechtsanwalt und Autor von Justizthrillern und Kriminalromanen. Biografie: John Grisham wurde am 8. Februar 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas, geboren. Sein Vater war ein Bauarbeiter, seine Mutter Hausfrau. Er hat vier Geschwister. Als Kind träumte John Grisham davon, professionell Baseball zu spielen. Als er erkannte, dass seine Fähigkeiten dazu nicht reichen würden, begann er an der Mississippi State University das Studium des Rechnungswesens, anschließend studierte er Rechtswissenschaft an der University of Mississippi. Er beendete 1981 sein Jurastudium und praktizierte danach fast ein ganzes Jahrzehnt als Anwalt in Southaven. Er spezialisierte sich auf Strafverteidigung und auf Prozesse mit Körperverletzung. 1983 wurde er als Kandidat der Demokratischen Partei in das Parlament des Staates Mississippi gewählt. Nachdem Grisham im Gericht von DeSoto County der Zeugenaussage eines minderjährigen Vergewaltigungsopfers beigewohnt hatte, begann er, einen Roman darüber zu schreiben, was passiert wäre, wenn der Vater des Mädchens ihre Angreifer ermordet hätte. Grisham stand jeden Tag um 2 Uhr auf, um mehrere Stunden zu schreiben, bevor er zur Arbeit ging. So brauchte er drei Jahre, um 1988 Die Jury (A Time to Kill) fertig zu stellen. Sein Manuskript, zunächst von mehr als zwei Dutzend Verlagen abgewiesen, wurde schließlich von Wynwood press gekauft und erschien im Juni 1988 in einer bescheidenen Auflage von 5000 Exemplaren. Am Tag, als Grisham die Arbeit an Die Jury beendet hatte, begann er mit seinem zweiten Roman: Dieser schildert die Geschichte eines vielversprechenden jungen Anwalts, der von einer scheinbar perfekten Kanzlei, die aber nicht das ist, was sie zu sein scheint, eingestellt wird. Als John Grisham die Filmrechte zu Die Firma (The Firm) für 600.000 US-Dollar an Paramount Pictures verkaufte, wurde er plötzlich heißbegehrt unter den Verlegern, und Doubleday kaufte die Verlagsrechte. Nach 47 Wochen auf der Bestsellerliste der New York Times wurde Die Firma der meistverkaufte Roman im Jahr 1991. Im Frühjahr 1991 gab er seinen Beruf als Anwalt und seine politischen Ämter auf, um nur noch als Schriftsteller zu arbeiten. Die Tätigkeit als Rechtsanwalt hatte Grisham ohnehin nicht gefallen: „For lawyers, the main dream of escape is [to] get out of the profession. They dream about a big settlement, a home run, so that they can use the money to do something else." Er selbst habe auch so gefühlt: „I found myself representing people I didn’t really like in cases that were boring." Die Erfolge von Die Akte (The Pelican Brief), welcher Platz 1 der New-York-Times-Bestsellerliste erreichte und Der Klient (The Client), welcher auf Platz 1 debütierte, bestätigten John Grishams Ruf als Meister des modernen Justizthrillers. Sein Erfolg sorgte dafür, dass Die Jury, nochmals veröffentlicht, schließlich doch noch ein Bestseller wurde. „He averaged one a year" schreibt Grisham im Pelican Brief (Die Akte) über die Auftragsfrequenz eines Berufsmörders.[4] Die Aussage beschreibt zugleich die Veröffentlichungsfrequenz des Autors selbst. Seit John Grisham 1988 Die Jury veröffentlichte, hat er jedes Jahr ein Buch geschrieben. Alle wurden Bestseller, so dass ihn Publishers Weekly im Januar 1998 den „meistgekauften Romancier der 90er-Jahre" nannte. Gegenwärtig (Stand: 2008) wurden über 250 Millionen John-Grisham-Bücher gedruckt und in 38 Sprachen übersetzt. Zehn davon wurden verfilmt. Daneben schrieb Grisham noch das Drehbuch zu Mickey, einem Baseballfilm, und der Film The Gingerbread Man basiert auf einer seiner Kurzgeschichten. 1996 kehrte Grisham in den Gerichtssaal zurück und erstritt für seine Mandanten Schadensersatz in Höhe von 683.500 US-Dollar – der höchste Urteilsspruch seiner anwaltlichen Karriere. Grisham schrieb nicht nur Justiz-Thriller, sondern auch 2001 Die Farm, 2002 Das Fest und 2003 Der Coach. Mit seinem 2006 erschienenen Werk Der Gefangene wagte er sich erstmals an ein Sachbuch, indem es ihm um die getreue Schilderung eines tatsächlichen Justizskandals geht. Von seinen bislang 20 Romanen wurden bereits zehn verfilmt. Grisham ist einer der wenigen englisch-sprachigen Autoren der 1990er Jahre, der seine Bücher auf tatsächlichen Begebenheiten in anderen Ländern (Mexiko, Südafrika, ) aufbaut. Grisham, ein strenggläubiger Baptist, lebt zusammen mit seiner Frau Renée und den beiden Kindern Ty und Shea auf einer Farm in Oxford, Mississippi und einer Plantage in der Nähe von Charlottesville, Virginia. Er ist dem Baseball, seiner jugendlichen Leidenschaft, treu geblieben: Grisham fungiert als Beauftragter der lokalen Baseballnachwuchsliga. Die sechs Spielfelder, die er auf seinem Grundstück errichten ließ, dienen jetzt 350 Kindern in 26 Nachwuchsteams als Trainingsgelände. . . Aus: wikipedia-John_Grisham. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 770 Blaues Leinen mit Schutzumschlag.

Seller: BOUQUINIST, München, BY, Germany

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$21.08 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: New. Fast Shipping and good customer service

Seller: GoldenWavesOfBooks, Fayetteville, TX, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$21.16 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: Brand New! Not Overstocks or Low Quality Book Club Editions! Direct From the Publisher! We're not a giant, faceless warehouse organization! We're a small town bookstore that loves books and loves it's customers! Buy from Lakeside Books!

Seller: Lakeside Books, Benton Harbor, MI, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$22.00 + shipping

Condition: Near Fine

Description: First Doubleday edition. A really nice copy, however, it may have been dropped on concrete, affecting the bottom board edges, bumped, and the outer edge of the bottom page edge. Still a nice copy, looks great on the shelf.

Seller: Craig Hokenson Bookseller, Dallas, TX, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$24.77 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: Buy for Great customer experience

Seller: GoldenDragon, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time to Kill. Doubleday/Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group New York, 1993.

Price: US$25.00 + shipping

Condition: Near Fine

Description: First edition thus (preceded by the 1989 hardcover release) first printing of a near fine hardcover with a gift inscription on the half title page, and a bit of soiling on the bottom textblock, in a near fine dustjacket with minor wear to the extremities. Featuring lawyer Jake Brigance and his defense of a black man accused of murdering the two white men who raped his daughter. The basis for the 1996 film of the same name starring Matthew McConaughey and Sandra Bullock

Seller: M.A.D. fiction, Grimsby, ON, Canada

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill by Grisham, John [Hardcover ]. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$25.77 + shipping

Condition: New


Seller: booksXpress, Bayonne, NJ, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$26.63 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: New Copy. Customer Service Guaranteed

Seller: GoldBooks, Denver, CO, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time To Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$27.00 + shipping

Condition: Very Good

Description: Reissue. November 1993 stated with complete number line. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Book; binding firm, modest bump to bottom edges else boards straight and clean; minimal soiling to edges with minor bumping to corners else text free of marks, appears gently read. Dust jacket ($23.50) has mild bumping to mostly spine ends and top cover edges with 1/2" closed tear to top front flap fold end. Color sharp. Under archival quality mylar cover. Photos upon request. Packed well and shipped in a sturdy box.

Seller: Twinwillow Books, Los Alamitos, CA, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$27.29 + shipping

Condition: New


Seller: Lucky's Textbooks, Dallas, TX, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Hardback or Cased Book). Doubleday Books 11/1/1993, 1993.

Price: US$28.35 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: A Time to Kill 1.85

Seller: BargainBookStores, Grand Rapids, MI, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A time to kill. New York : Doubleday, 1993., 1993.

Price: US$30.00 + shipping

Condition: Very Good

Description: ISBN 0385470819. Hardback. Reprint edition. First Printing thus. Very Good condition book with minor dust soiling to edges, in a Very Good condition dustjacket with minor rubs and creases around its edges. Tight, sound, unmarked copy.

Seller: Tacoma Book Center, Tacoma, WA, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$30.00 + shipping

Description: Octavo. Dark blue boards quarterbound in a black cloth backstrip with shiny gilt lettering on the spine. Book has a very slight bumping at the tail of the spine. Ochre colored endpapers. Previous owner's name on the upper edge of the front endpaper in small lettering. Binding is straight and tight. Pages are all clean, white, and crisp. 487 pages. Dust Jacket - has just the faintest trace of rubbing at the tail of the spine. On the inside, there is an extremely slender bit of color transfer on the extremities of the spine. Jacket is otherwise clean, bright, and sharp. First issued by Wynwood Press in a 5,000 copy print run. This is the first Doubleday printing.


Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$30.05 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: Brand New!

Seller: Save With Sam, North Miami, FL, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$31.00 + shipping

Condition: New


Seller: California Books, Miami, FL, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time to Kill. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group 1993-11-01, New York, 1993.

Price: US$31.80 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: Language: ENG

Seller: Blackwell's, London, United Kingdom

John Grisham. A Time to Kill. Doubleday Books 1993-11-01, 1993.

Price: US$32.01 + shipping

Condition: New


Seller: Chiron Media, Wallingford, United Kingdom

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$33.62 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: .

Seller: Ebooksweb, Bensalem, PA, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$35.00 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: Book is in NEW condition.

Seller: GF Books, Inc., Hawthorne, CA, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$35.00 + shipping

Condition: Very Good

Description: A pretty nice, straight copy that has light page edge soil. Bright jacket. First thus edition from Doubleday, 1993. Full number line.

Seller: Craig Hokenson Bookseller, Dallas, TX, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$35.00 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: Special order direct from the distributor

Seller: Russell Books, Victoria, BC, Canada

GRISHAM, JOHN. A TIME TO KILL ( Large Print). Doubleday, New York, USA, 1993.

Price: US$35.00 + shipping

Condition: Very Good

Description: First Doubleday Large Print edition ( complete number row) of the author's first book. Blacked out name and spot of soil to front and rear free end paper . VG. in NEAR FINE jacket.

Seller: THE USUAL SUSPECTS (IOBA), St. Catharines, ON, Canada

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Knopf Doubleday Publishing G, 1993.

Price: US$39.00 + shipping

Description: Prompt shipment, with tracking. we ship in CLEAN SECURE BOXES NEW BOXES Courtroom - Fiction; Very good hardcover with NO dustjacket; some crease to dustjacket; tips bumped; clean pages; prompt shipping with tracking.

Seller: Robinson Street Books, IOBA, Binghamton, NY, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time to Kill. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 1993.

Price: US$39.44 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: John Grisham is the author of forty-seven consecutive #1 bestsellers, which have been translated into nearly fifty languages. His recent books include The Judge s List, Sooley, and his third Jake Brigance novel, A Time for Mercy, which .

Seller: moluna, Greven, Germany

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$39.95 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: First Printing of the Doubleday edition with complete number line intact. Clean, tight hardcover bound in quarter cloth with unmarked interior and text. The dust jacket remains unclipped ($23.50) and shows no signs of wear. A clean, tight copy in jacket of Grisham's first novel. 487pp.

Seller: Bowman Books, Wooster, OH, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$40.44 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: reprint edition. 496 pages. 9.75x6.50x1.75 inches. In Stock.

Seller: Revaluation Books, Exeter, United Kingdom

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$40.70 + shipping

Condition: New


Seller: Kennys Bookshop and Art Galleries Ltd., Galway, GY, Ireland

Grisham, John. A Time To Kill (Jake Brigance) ; 9780385470810 ; 0385470819. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$41.40 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: Limited Copies Available - New Condition - Never Used - DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY CDs OR ACCESS CODES IF APPLICABLE

Seller: APlus Textbooks, Alpharetta, GA, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time to Kill 1 Jake Brigance. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 1993.

Price: US$41.89 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000.

Seller: PBShop.store US, Wood Dale, IL, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time To Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$44.99 + shipping

Condition: Very Good

Description: A diagonal crease on frep. Minor discoloration to pages. Minor wear along the edges, tips and spine of the book. Minor rubbing wear to covers.

Seller: Sabra Books, Naperville, IL, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Knopf Doubleday Publishing G, 1993.

Price: US$45.00 + shipping

Condition: Good

Description: Prompt shipment, with tracking. we ship in CLEAN SECURE BOXES NEW BOXES Courtroom - Fiction; Good hard cover with dust jacket, tips bumped, book club, nicked, and prompt shipping with tracking.

Seller: Robinson Street Books, IOBA, Binghamton, NY, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$48.25 + shipping

Condition: New


Seller: Hafa Adai Books, Moncks Corner, SC, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$48.60 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: reprint edition. 496 pages. 9.75x6.50x1.75 inches. In Stock.

Seller: Revaluation Books, Exeter, United Kingdom

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$48.65 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: Book is in NEW condition. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Fast Customer Service!!

Seller: Pieuler Store, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$48.77 + shipping

Condition: New


Seller: Kennys Bookstore, Olney, MD, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time To Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$49.50 + shipping

Condition: Near Fine

Description: Book is tight, square & clean with complete number line including "1". This is the reissue of the 1989 edition. There is very slight nudging to the head & tail of the spine alon with a bump to the inferior corners. There is slight age toning to the page block. Not uncommon for a book of the age. The mylar protected DJ is price-intact ($23.50) and has the very slightest nudging to the head & tail of the spine.

Seller: Herrick Books, Austin, MN, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A TIME TO KILL. Doubleday Publishing, New York, NY, U.S.A., 1993.

Price: US$50.00 + shipping

Condition: As New

Description: Author's FIRST novel - the first printing of the later reissued Time to Kill. There are a few tiny nicks on the gold lettering of the title, otherwise the book and jacket appears unread. The basis for the film of the same name.


Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$51.83 + shipping

Condition: New


Seller: Front Cover Books, Denver, CO, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$53.32 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: New. Fast Shipping and good customer service

Seller: GoldenWavesOfBooks, Fayetteville, TX, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$54.64 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: New

Seller: Wizard Books, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A TIME TO KILL (JAKE BRIGANCE). Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$59.22 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title! 1.85

Seller: BennettBooksLtd, North Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, New York, New York, U.S.A., 1993.

Price: US$70.00 + shipping

Condition: Good

Description: This first edition has slight forward cocking of the spine, nearly imperceptible. Text is clean, no ownership or other markings. The dust jacket is unclipped with very light sunning of the spine. A quite nice copy. Size: 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall

Seller: Lowry's Books, Three Rivers, MI, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. TIME TO KILL. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$94.39 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title! 1.85

Seller: BennettBooksLtd, North Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$95.10 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: New Copy. Customer Service Guaranteed

Seller: GoldBooks, Denver, CO, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$96.04 + shipping

Condition: New

Description: New

Seller: Wizard Books, Long Beach, CA, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$100.00 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: Hardcover. Condition: Fine+. Dust Jacket Condition: Fine+. 1st Edition. First Edition, First Printing with complete number line. The book appear to be unread. Dust jacket is unclipped. Looks and feels As New. A Very Fine collector's copy.

Seller: EGR Books, Centreville, VA, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$115.00 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: // NO REMAINDER MARK// NO PREVIOUS OWNER MARKS OF ANY KIND (no names or inscriptions, no bookplate, no underlining, etc) // NOT PRICE CLIPPED// NEW MYLAR COVER// full number line including the "1"//


Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. U.S.A.: Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$125.00 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: Doubleday Publishing, New York, New York, U.S.A., 1993. 4/5 Blue+ 1/5 Black Cloth. Book Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: As New. First Edition First Printing. "1193" inside rear dj flap; 487 pages; not price clipped; mustard endpapers; a novel that challenges everything we know about justice and equality; dust jacket by Ellis Chappel; collectible. Free shipping and tracking within USA

Seller: Walker Flynt Books, Cumming, GA, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$128.00 + shipping

Condition: Near Fine

Description: A Time to Kill Author: John Grisham Publication: Doubleday, New York, New York Edition: First Edition, Second Printing Binding: Hardcover Condition: A Near Fine copy in a Fine mylar wrapped dustjacket Description: SECOND EDITION, FIRST PRINTING FROM BEST-SELLING AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR JOHN GRISHAM! Second edition, first printing in Near Fine condition with light stain to top page edges and in a mylar wrapped dustjacket in Fine condition from the extensive John Grisham collection at Allen s Rare Books (see photos). 487pp. Store Description Welcome to Allen s Rare Books. Each book in our inventory has been personally inspected, exhaustively described, and photographed to meet the standards of the discerning collector. We encourage prospective customers to contact us with any questions. Terms of Sale We accept all major credit cards via the AbeBooks Shopping Cart. Customers have 30 days to return a purchased volume(s) which do not meet their original description or are otherwise unsatisfactory. We are proud to offer free shipping on all standard (octavo) sized volumes. Shipping Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 lbs. or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know if extra shipping is required. Each order is packed with the utmost care to ensure safe arrival.

Seller: Allen's Rare Books, El Monte, CA, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$140.14 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: fine book. minor crease to top of front panel of dj. o/w fine/fine. the affordable first of a time to kill.

Seller: Gumshoe Books, Columbia, SC, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$145.00 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: Fine first Doubleday edition in a fine unclipped jacket. Basis for the movie of the same name. This is perhaps the author's strongest book and a must read for any Grisham fan. This copy is clean throughout and may be unread. Slight crease to rear panel of jacket is the only flaw and appears to be a printing defect. Shipped in a Brodart cover for protection.

Seller: BDC Books, Stratford, ON, Canada

John Grisham. A Time to Kill. Doubleday November 1, 1993, New York, 1993.

Price: US$146.00 + shipping

Condition: Near Fine

Description: Attractive First Trade Edition of Grisham's first book. Full 1-10 number line on the publication page. Doubleday, New York, 1993. Unmarked in unclipped dustjacket

Seller: ALEXANDER POPE, Kent, CT, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A Time To Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$160.00 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: Fine first edition of this author's first book. Preceeded by the small press printing, this is the first trade edition and bears the full 1-10 numberline on the publication page. A nice clean, tight copy in an unclipped jacket. Protected in a Brodart cover for shipping. One of this author's best books, that was made into the movie of the same name. A must read for any Grisham fan.

Seller: BDC Books, Stratford, ON, Canada

John Grisham. A TIME TO KILL. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$307.95 + shipping

Description: Very Good+ in a Very Good+ dust jacket. Small closed tear on front panel top edge. Very small open tears on front and rear panel top corners. ; 496 pages.

Seller: Rare Book Cellar, Pomona, NY, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. The Client {Exceptional Signed First/First}. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$345.00 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: SIGNED BY AUTHOR!! First Edition, First Printing, Full number-line to # 1 (Doubleday, March, 1993) **UNREAD** Signed on the half-title page, Mr. Grisham's name only. Black 1/3 cloth on Gray boards are AS NEW, Sharp corners. Spine is AS NEW, no creasing, bold Gold lettering. Pages are perfectly clean and free of marking and folding. Page edges are very clean. Dust Jacket is Near Fine. This jacket suffers a light amount of the de-lamination issues found in this title over 99% of the time. This one much better than most. NOTE: Not all sellers disclose this flaw. (I have seen/sold a great many copies). Price is intact and Protected in a clear archival cover. I do not believe a better copy cannot be found! **I take personal pride in accurate, honest descriptions and grading. If you are tired of receiving books "Not as Described", I am your solution. I always carefully ship in very well padded boxes, and always smoke-free!**

Seller: Neil Rutledge, Bookseller, Yantis, TX, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$349.00 + shipping


Seller: Books Plus, LLC, Lexington, SC, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill (Signed). Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$350.00 + shipping

Condition: Very Good

Description: First Doubleday Edition/First Printing. SIGNED (no inscription) by Grisham on the title page. Riffling on a number of pages, in Fine dust jacket. A Nice Copy.

Seller: Bob's Rare Books, Haddonfield, NJ, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday Publishing, New York, New York, U.S.A., 1993.

Price: US$360.00 + shipping

Condition: As New

Description: 1193 inside rear dj flap; not price clipped; mustard endpapers; a novel that challenges everything wwe know about justice and equality; dj by Ellis Chappel; full b/w photo of author on reverse dj; collectible; from the private collection of the seller; please contact for pictures

Seller: Booksdoc, Russell, ON, Canada

Grisham, John. A TIME TO KILL ( signed Doubleday edition; first printing ). Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$365.00 + shipping

Condition: Near Fine

Description: Doubleday. New York. 1993. 487 pages. First edition thus., first printing with full numberline including 1. Printed November 1993. Hand-signed by John Grisham on a loosely laid-in adhesive-backed bookplate. Book is about fine, its only flaw is a small ownership stamp that is easily covered with the signed bookplate should you choose to, as stamp is small and sits in the center of the page on the front endpaper. Book is bright and clean. Binding and hinges are strong and sound. Black cloth binding over blue paper-covered boards. Gold endpapers. $23.50 price intact on DJ flap. DJ is near fine; minimal speck-rubbing to gold letters on front. This is the first Doubleday edition, first printing of this title. This title was published a few years after the super-rare Wynwood first edition from 1989. Doubleday bought the rights from Wynwood and re-released this title as a result of the massive success Doubleday had with John Grisham's first best seller, The Firm. Near fine with loosely laid-in bookplate; flaw noted.

Seller: Medium Rare Books, Mountainside, NJ, U.S.A.

John Grisham. A TIME TO KILL. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$384.95 + shipping

Description: Near Fine in a Near Fine dust jacket. ; 496 pages.

Seller: Rare Book Cellar, Pomona, NY, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A TIME TO KILL ( signed Doubleday edition; first printing ). Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$385.00 + shipping

Condition: Near Fine

Description: Doubleday. New York. 1993. 487 pages. First edition thus., first printing with full numberline including 1. Printed November 1993. Hand-signed by John Grisham on a loosely laid-in adhesive-backed bookplate. Book is about fine, its only flaw is a tiny indentation on panel edge; barely. Book is bright and clean. Binding and hinges are strong and sound. Black cloth binding over blue paper-covered boards. Gold endpapers. $23.50 price intact on DJ flap. DJ is near fine. This is the first Doubleday edition, first printing of this title. This title was published a few years after the super-rare Wynwood first edition from 1989. Doubleday bought the rights from Wynwood and re-released this title as a result of the massive success Doubleday had with John Grisham's first best seller, The Firm. Near fine with loosely laid-in bookplate.

Seller: Medium Rare Books, Mountainside, NJ, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill {Signed on Official Book Plate; First Doubleday Printing}. Doubleday, 1993.

Price: US$390.00 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: SIGNED BY AUTHOR ON BOOK-PLATE! First Edition Thus, First Printing, Full number-line to # 1 (Doubleday, November 1993)) ***UNREAD*** Signed by John Grisham on an Official Book-Plate Laid-in; (I will attach it for you if you like, just email me) his name only. Autograph authenticity guaranteed. Black 1/4 Cloth over blue boards are Fine, sharp corners. Spine is Fine, no creasing, Bright gold lettering. Pages are As New, crisp and white, no writing, no folding. Dust Jacket is Fine, rare for this title, Extremely Nice. Price is intact. Protected in a clear, removable archival cover. (NOTE: All Doubleday Editions are First Thus, the True First is Wynwood Press, which sells for $4,500.00 or more. **I, too, am a collector and know all too well what it is like receiving a book not as described. This does not happen here. I am passionate about honesty, quality and customer satisfaction. I have a NO DISAPPOINTMENT policy. My books are always carefully shipped in VERY well-padded boxes and always smoke and odor free.**

Seller: Neil Rutledge, Bookseller, Yantis, TX, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A TIME TO KILL ( signed Doubleday edition; first printing ). Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$445.00 + shipping

Condition: Near Fine

Description: Doubleday. New York. 1993. 487 pages. First edition thus., first printing with full numberline including 1. Printed November 1993. Hand-signed by John Grisham on a loosely laid-in adhesive-backed bookplate. Book and DJ are fine. Binding and hinges are strong and sound. Black cloth binding over blue paper-covered boards. Gold endpapers. $23.50 price intact on DJ flap. This is the first Doubleday edition, first printing of this title. This title was published a few years after the super-rare Wynwood first edition from 1989. Doubleday bought the rights from Wynwood and re-released this title as a result of the massive success Doubleday had with John Grisham's first best seller, The Firm. A pristine copy with a loosely laid-in bookplate.

Seller: Medium Rare Books, Mountainside, NJ, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A TIME TO KILL ( signed Doubleday first edition; first printing ). Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$695.00 + shipping

Condition: Near Fine

Description: Doubleday. New York. 1993. 487 pages. First edition thus., first printing with full numberline including one. Printed November 1993. Hand-signed by John Grisham in blue ink on the half-title page' no inscription, signature only. Binding and hinges are strong and sound. Black cloth binding over blue paper-covered boards. A couple of faint rubs to blue cloth (barely.) Gold endpapers. $23.50 price intact on DJ flap. This is the first Doubleday edition, first printing of this title. This edition was published a few years after the rare Wynwood retail trade edition from 1989. Doubleday bought the rights from Wynwood and re-released this title as a result of the massive success Doubleday had with John Grisham's second book, and first best seller, The Firm. A pristine first Doubleday edition, first printing, signed, of John Grisham's first book. NF/NF

Seller: Medium Rare Books, Mountainside, NJ, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A TIME TO KILL ( signed Doubleday first edition; first printing ). Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$795.00 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: Doubleday. New York. 1993. 487 pages. First edition thus., first printing with full numberline including one. Printed November 1993. Hand-signed by John Grisham in blue ink on the half-title page' no inscription, signature only. Binding and hinges are strong and sound. Black cloth binding over blue paper-covered boards. Gold endpapers. $23.50 price intact on DJ flap. This is the first Doubleday edition, first printing of this title. This edition was published a few years after the rare Wynwood retail trade edition from 1989. Doubleday bought the rights from Wynwood and re-released this title as a result of the massive success Doubleday had with John Grisham's second book, and first best seller, The Firm. A pristine first Doubleday edition, first printing, signed, of John Grisham's first book. F/F

Seller: Medium Rare Books, Mountainside, NJ, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, New York, 1993.

Price: US$1500.00 + shipping

Description: SIGNED. 487pp. Octavo [25 cm] Navy blue leather with 5 gilt stamped compartments on the spine. Speckled text block edges. Decorative endpapers. In a blue cloth covered slipcase. Near fine in a very good slipcase, with minor sunning to the extremities, and two very small stains on the side panel. The debut novel from this best-selling author, and a legal thriller that explores the horrifying depths of racial violence. Numbered and signed by John Grisham on the limitation page. Leatherbound, slipcased edition, numbered and signed by the author on the limitation page.

Seller: Ken Sanders Rare Books, ABAA, Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.A.

Grisham, John. A Time to Kill. Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1993.

Price: US$1650.00 + shipping

Condition: Fine

Description: Limited edition; Number 190 of a limited 350 copies, signed by John Grisham. Bound in publisher's dark blue leather stamped in gilt, Fine, in wrinkled dust jacket in Near Fine slipcase with mild shelf wear.

Seller: Burnside Rare Books, ABAA, Portland, OR, U.S.A.