
Annotated Reference Guide to Collectible Books and Original Prints

World War Annotated Bibliography & Selected Collectible Books

Wharton, Edith. Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York (1915).

Reed, John. The War in Eastern Europe. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York (1916). Signed Edition; Illustrated by Boardman Robinson

Stuart, Henry Clifford. A Prophet in his Own Country: Being the Letters of Stuart X. Privately Published: Washinton, D. C. (1916). 500 copies; Other author-Aleister Crowley

Towne, Charles Hanson. For France. Doubleday: New York (1917). Foreword by Theodore Roosevelt

Wells, H. G. The Soul of a Bishop. Macmillan Company: New York (1917). First U.S. Edition; Illustrated by C. Allan Gilbert

White, J. Andrew. Military Signal Corps Manual. Wireless Press: New York (1918).

Ransom, John Crowe. Poems about God. Henry Holt and Company: New York (1919).

Waugh Alec. The Prisoners of Mainz. Chapman and Hall: London (1919). Illustrated by Captain R. T. Roussel

Rickenbacker, Edward V. Fighting the Flying Circus. Frederick A. Stokes Company: New York (1919). Signed Edition

Sassoon, Siegfried. The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon. William Heinemann: London (1919).

McCrae, John. In Flanders Fields and Other Poems. G.P. Putnam's Sons: New York (1919). First U.S. Edition

Smith, J. Andre. In France with the American Expeditionary Forces. Arthur H. Hahlo: New York (1919). Signed Limited Edition; 500 copies

Graves, Robert. Over the brazier. The Poetry Bookshop: London (1920). Second Edition

Dos Passos, John. One Man's Initiation. Allen and Unwin: London (1920).

Gow, Kenneth. Letters Of A Soldier. Herbert B. Covert: New York (1920).

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. This Side of Paradise. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York (1920). 3000 copies

Blunden, Edmund. The Waggoner and other Poems. Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd.: London (1920).

Ward, John. With theDie-Hards in Siberia. Cassell and Company, Ltd.: London (1920).

Buchan, John. A History of The Great War. Houghton Mifflin Co: Boston (1922). 8 volumes; Signed Limited Edition; 500 copies

MacIntyre, W. Irwin. Colored Soldiers. J. W. Burke: Macon, GA (1923).

Churchill, Winston S. The World Crisis. Thornton Butterworth: London (1923). 6 volumes

Newton, Leslie Morriss. The Story of the Twelfth; A Record of the 12th Battalion AIF during the Great War of 1914-1918. Walch and Sons: Hobart (1925).

Seymour, Charles. The Intimate Papers of Colonel House. Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, MA (1926). 4 volumes; Signed Limited Edition; 750 copies;

Lawrence, T. E. Revolt in the Desert. Jonathan Cape: London (1927). 315 copies

Lawrence, T. E. Revolt in the Desert. George H. Doran Co.: New York (1927). First U.S. Edition; 250 copies

Blunden, Edmund. Undertones of War. Richard Cobden-Sanderson: London (1928).

Hanson, Joseph Mills. The World War Through the Telebinocular. Keystone View Co.: Meadville (1928). Full title-The World War Through the Telebinocular: A Visualized, Vitalized History of the Greatest Conflict of All the Ages

Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell To Arms. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York (1929).

Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell To Arms. Jonathan Cape: London (1929). First U.K. Edition

O'Flaherty, Liam. Return of the Brute. Mandrake: London (1929).

Graves, Robert. Good-Bye To All That. Jonathan Cape: London (1929). Illustrated by Len Lye

Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front. Little, Brown and Company: Boston, MA (1929). First U.S. Edition; Translated from German by A.W. Wheen

Churchill, Winston S. The World Crisis: The Aftermath. Thornton Butterworth: London (1929).

Junger, Ernst. The Storm of Steel. Chatto and Windus: London (1929). First U.K. Edition; Introduction by R. H. Mottram; Translated by Basil Creighton; Full title-The Storm of Steel: From the Diary of a German Storm-Troop Officer on the Western Front

Burton, John. Trackless Winds. Johnck and Seeger: San Francisco, CA (1930). Signed Limited Editon; 100 copies

Graves, Robert. But It Still Goes On. Jonathan Cape: London (1930).

Sassoon, Siegfried. Memoirs of an Infantry Officer. Faber and Faber: London (1930). Signed Limited Edition; 750 copies

Jernegan, Marcus Wilson. Progress of Nations. Department of Rehabilitation: Chicago (1930). 10 volumes; Other authors-F. Lee Benns and Avery Odelle Craven; Full title-Progress of Nations: The Story of the World and of Its Peoples from the Dawn of History to the Present Day

Sassoon, Siegfried. Memoirs of an Infantry Officer. Faber and Faber: London (1931). 320 copies; First Illustrated edition; Illustrated by Barnett Freedman

Pershing, John J. My Experiences in the World War. Fredrick A. Stokes Company: New York (1931). 2 volumes

Churchill, Winston, S. The World Crisis: The Eastern Front. Thornton Butterworth: London (1931). 5150 copies

Churchill, Winston S. Great War. George Newnes: London (1933). 3 volumes; First Illustrated Edition

Churchill, Winston S. Marlborough: His Life and Times.. George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd.: London (1933). 4 volumes; 155 copies

Golovine, Nicholas N. The Russian Campaign Of 1914. The Command And General Staff School: Fort Leavenworth, KS (1933). Full title-The Russian Campaign Of 1914: The Beginning of the War and Operations in East Prussia; Other author-Marshal Foch

Cobb, Humphrey. Paths of Glory. The Viking Press: New York (1935).

Bartley, Albert L. Tales of the World War. Clyde C. Cockrell Co.: Dallas, TX (1935).

Lawrence T. E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Jonathan Cape: London (1935). 750 copies

Fuller, Major J.F.C. Memoirs of an Unconventional Soldier. Ivor Nicholson and Watson: London (1936).

Lock, Cecil B.L. The Fighting 10th. Webb and Son: Adelaide (1936). Full title-The Fighting 10th: A South Australia Centenary Souvenir of the 10th Battalion A.I.F. 1914-1919

Churchill, Winston S. Great Contemporaries. Thornton Butterworth: London (1937).

Churchill, Winston S. Arms and the Covenant - Speeches. George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd.: London (1938).

Duguid, A. Fortescue. Official History of the Canadian Forces in the Great War, 1914-19. Patenaude/King's Printer: Ottawa (1938). 2 volumes

Aspden, Don. Mike of Company D. Charles Scribners Sons: New York (1939). Illustrated by Paul Brown

Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. William Heinemann: London (1939). First U.K. Edition

Kennedy, John F. Why England Slept. Wilfred Funk: New York (1940).

Knight, Eric. This Above All. Cassell and Co.: London (1941).

Churchill, Winston S. The War Speeches. Cassell and Co.: London (1941). 7 volumes; Includes titles-Into Battle, The Unrelenting Struggle, The End of the Beginning, Onwards to Victory, The Dawn of Liberation, Victory, Secret Session Speeches

Hersey, John. Men On Bataan. Alfred A. Knopf: New York (1942).

Saint-Exupery, Antoine de. Flight to Arras. Reynal and Hitchcock: New York (1942). Signed Limited Edition; 500 copies

Fisher, M. F. K. How to Cook a Wolf. Duell, Sloan and Pearce: New York (1942).

Waugh, Evelyn. Put Out More Flags. Chapman and Hall Ltd.: London (1942).

Hoover, Herbert. America's First Crusade. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York (1942). Signed Edition

US Navy, Naval Intelligence. ONI 54-R. U.S. Naval Ships and Aircraft. GPO (1942).

Fisher, Steve. Destination Tokyo. Appleton Century: New York (1943).

Hilton, James. The Story of Dr. Wassell. Little, Brown and Company: Boston, MA (1943).

Maugham, W. Somerset. The Razor's Edge. William Heinemann Ltd: London (1944). First U.K. Edition

Lemkin, Raphael. Axis Rule In Occupied Europe. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Washington D.C. (1944). Full title-Axis Rule In Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals For Redress

Bourdelle, Pierre. War. American Studio Books: New York (1945). Foreword by Stephen Galatti; Commentary by Pierre Claudel

Kennedy, John F. As We Remember Joe. Privately Printed: Cambridge (1945). 360 copies

Hersey, John. Hiroshima. Alfred A. Knopf: New York (1946).

Roy, Morris J. Behind Barbed Wire. Richard R. Smith: New York (1946).

Churchill, Winston S. War Speeches 1940-1945. Cassell and Co.: London (1946). First paperback edition

Shirey, Orville. Americans: Story of the 442d Combat Team. Infantry Journal P. (1946).

Proehl, Carl W. The Fourth Marine Division in World War II. Infantry Journal Press: Washington (1946).

Alexander, John Wesley. Flight Quarters: The War Story Of The U.S.S. Belleau Wood. Cole-Holmquist Press: Los Angeles, CA (1946).

The Seventh United States Army: Report of Operations France and Germany 1944 -1945. Aloys Graf: Heidelberg, Germany (1946). 3 volumes

Waugh, Evelyn. Scott-King's Modern Europe. Chapman and Hall Ltd.: London (1947). 2 volumes; Illustrated by John Piper

Churchill, Winston S. Second World War. Cassell and Co.: London (1948). 6 volumes

Eisenhower, Dwight. Crusade in Europe. Doubleday and Company, Inc.: Garden City (1948). Signed Edition; 1426 copies

Mailer, Norman. The Naked and the Dead. Rinehart and Co.: New York (1948).

United States Army. United States Army in the World War 1917-1919. GPO (1948). 17 volumes

Craven, Wesley Frank. The Army Air Forces in World War II. University of Chicago Press: Chicago (1948). 7 volumes; Other author-James Lea Cate

Wouk, Herman. The Caine Mutiny. Doubleday: Garden City, NY (1951).

Jones, James. From Here to Eternity. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York (1951).

Clough, Brigadier A.B. Maps and Survey. The War Office (1952).

Churchill, Winston S. The War Speeches of the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill. Cassell and Co.: London (1952). 3 volumes

Churchill, Winston S. The Second World War. Houghton Mifflin: Boston, MA (1953). First U.S. Edition; 6 volumes

Churchill, Winston S. The Second World War. The Educational Book Co. Ltd.: London (1954). Chartwell Edition; 6 volumes

Psychoundakis, George. The Cretan Runner. John Murray: London (1955). Translated by Patrick Leigh Fermor; Annotated by Xan Fielding

Churchill, Winston S. A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. Cassell and Co.: London (1956). 4 volumes

Chwast, Seymour. A Book of Battles. 6x9 Press: New York (1957). Introduction by Dachine Rainer

Montgomery, Bernard Law. The Memoirs of Field-Marshal the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG. Collins: London (1958).

Heller, Joseph. Catch-22. Simon and Schuster: New York (1961).

Morison, Samuel Eliot. History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. Little, Brown and Company: Boston, MA (1961). 15 volumes

Heller, Joseph. Catch-22. Jonathan Cape: London (1962). First U.K. Edition

Kosinski, Jerzy. The Painted Bird. Houghton Mifflin: Boston, MA (1965).

Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-Five: or, The Children's Crusade. Delacorte: New York (1969). Signed Edition

Time-Life Books. World War II. Time-Life Books, Inc. (1978). 39 volumes

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