
Darwin Bernard Rubs of the Green

First Edition Prices, Values and Auction Results

We collected a sample of 13 auction results of Darwin, Bernard's Rubs of the Green from 1 different auction houses. The lowest overall price realized in our sample was $72 and the highest overall price realized was $1440. The overall average price was $575 and the median price realized for the book was $660. There were 6 auctions (46%) with a price realized below the low estimate, 6 auctions (46%) exceeding the high estimates, and 1 auctions (8%) within the range of the low and high estimates.

Recent Auction Results:

Auction House Auction Date Author Title City Publisher Year Estimate Sale Price Auction Page Copies For Sale
PBA April 13, 2017 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $800-$1200 $780 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA March 3, 2016 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $800-$1200 $660 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA March 5, 2015 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $200-$300 $390 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA August 25, 2011 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $800-$1200 $480 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA February 18, 2010 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $800-$1200 $1440 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA July 26, 2007 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $700-$1000 $420 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA July 26, 2007 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $150-$250 $96 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA February 8, 2007 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $700-$1000 $1140 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA December 1, 2005 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $100-$150 $180 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA July 28, 2005 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $600-$900 $900 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA July 28, 2005 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $100-$150 $192 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA June 24, 2004 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $100-$150 $72 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert
PBA November 6, 2003 Darwin, Bernard. Rubs of the Green London Chapman and Hall 1936 $300-$500 $720 PBA Abebooks Copies Set Price Alert